Why the Dark Side of the Force Is DEFINITELY Better

By mouthymerc, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Not sure I like the retirement plan, but the others are very good points.

Jedi Response:

1: Sith get exactly one lightsaber color: Red. If red isn't your favorite color, you're SOL

2: Sith Powers are mostly designed to kill people in spectacular ways. But what if you don't want to kill anyone today? You're SOL

3: I'll give you names. Though names like Sidious and Tyrannus kind of sound like bad news a mile away

4: Force choking your wife doesn't make her love you more. Also, living with somebody who runs on fear and anger isn't exactly a good idea.

4.5 And Luke fixed this in EU. Whether he does in Disney remains to be seen. Given Disney's love of romance, I imagine it'll get fixed again, but...

5: Meditating has a lot less paperwork involved then running the galaxy. Paperwork is just no fun.

6: Given the choice between being a Force Ghost or a Sith Spirit, I think it's better to wander around guiding people then it is to chill in my tomb for 1000 years or more.

Jedi Response:

1: Sith get exactly one lightsaber color: Red. If red isn't your favorite color, you're SOL

2: Sith Powers are mostly designed to kill people in spectacular ways. But what if you don't want to kill anyone today? You're SOL

3: I'll give you names. Though names like Sidious and Tyrannus kind of sound like bad news a mile away

4: Force choking your wife doesn't make her love you more. Also, living with somebody who runs on fear and anger isn't exactly a good idea.

4.5 And Luke fixed this in EU. Whether he does in Disney remains to be seen. Given Disney's love of romance, I imagine it'll get fixed again, but...

5: Meditating has a lot less paperwork involved then running the galaxy. Paperwork is just no fun.

6: Given the choice between being a Force Ghost or a Sith Spirit, I think it's better to wander around guiding people then it is to chill in my tomb for 1000 years or more.

What about purple, and orange, and yellow? Those are some cool colors. Sure, its just the EU, but still. And by extension, the darksaber, a lightsaber, was used by Darth Maul in canon.

Only color is red? Ah well that sucks.


Suitless Vader hadn't bothered to build a new one yet. He's just using Anakin's saber out of laziness there. And because canon demanded Obi Wan obtain it somehow to give to Luke in ANH.

He builds his red one immediately after getting the suit.

Anyways, Suitless Vader doesn't count.

Edited by Angelalex242

Jedi Response:

1: Sith get exactly one lightsaber color: Red. If red isn't your favorite color, you're SOL

2: Sith Powers are mostly designed to kill people in spectacular ways. But what if you don't want to kill anyone today? You're SOL

3: I'll give you names. Though names like Sidious and Tyrannus kind of sound like bad news a mile away

4: Force choking your wife doesn't make her love you more. Also, living with somebody who runs on fear and anger isn't exactly a good idea.

4.5 And Luke fixed this in EU. Whether he does in Disney remains to be seen. Given Disney's love of romance, I imagine it'll get fixed again, but...

5: Meditating has a lot less paperwork involved then running the galaxy. Paperwork is just no fun.

6: Given the choice between being a Force Ghost or a Sith Spirit, I think it's better to wander around guiding people then it is to chill in my tomb for 1000 years or more.

Well argued and number 5 - so very true. :( All these spiritual traditions saying we shouldn't chase after power, that power corrupts, etc., etc. If they'd just explained that with power comes paperwork and forms and endless people pestering you by email... THEN I'd have listened! :( :( :(