
By rubenmaes, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We plan on playing Quest 1: Buried Alive of the WoD expansion our next session.

Say that I play the Poltergeist card when the heroes are in Area 2 close to the bottomless pit. Can I use this card to throw those close enough to it, into the pit? Or maybe, if possible, onto a space of a map piece that is about to be taken away after the OL turn?

Btw: is a glyph considered as a token in this matter?


You most certainly can toss them in the pit, or to the back of the map. Glyphs never move though, except of course when the entire map piece disappears.

A glyph can move, its a prop. The only thing you cannot move is rubble markers. Or is it all blocking obsticals ? I dont have the card infront of me. But I know you can move glyphs.

The inventory list in the core rules calls Glyphs markers, not tokens. They, along with staircases, rubble, encounter markers, and the like; cannot be moved by Poltergeist.


"Play at the start of your turn. Move all figures and tokens (but not obstacles) up to 2 spaces, however you choose. Then, you may close any or all doors in the dungeon."

Core Rules

"49 Prop Markers
23 Obstacle Markers
10 Encounter Markers
10 Glyph Markers
6 Staircase Markers"

I can't believe that it shall be possible to move glyphs, stairs or encounter markers (which are all listed separate from obstacles in your list) with "poltergeist" - or even traps like dart fields, boulders or crushing walls.

The OL could create too drastical changes on the map which could easily make some maps unplayable.

(In addition: Remember that there are changes in what is considered as obstacle from FAQ to FAQ - the most common example are corrupted spaces.)

I think the OL may move:



Chests, gold piles, potions


(but in some special cases, it could still be possible to make a map unplayable by moving a rune-key behind a runelocked door of the same colour that stands open (without beeing opened by the heroes) for whatever reasons - maybe a map that closes a runelocked door under special circumstances.)

Another question: Is it allowed to move those things with poltergeist above obstacles that block movement? If yes, than it could be easy (in some quests) to move a runekey above some water spaces and to make the map unplayable in this manner.

If they block movement, they should block all movement (including that of tokens). The rulebook only mentions figure movement, but was written before tokens could be moved that way.

Even if it is possible, it shouldn't be allowed, and if aplayer seriously tries to do it I'd suggest not playing with them any more.