Dev Questions for Force and Destiny? Sam Stewart returns to the Order 66 Podcast on Sept. 3 to answer them...

By GM Chris, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

I love your interpretation of the lightsaber combat forms, so my question is: When will we see a Juyo or Vaapad specialization?

On a similar note: Why aren't there any Universal specializations in the core book? Age of Rebellion had the Recruit universal spec, and it feels like FaD is missing out - why not Shii-Cho as a Universal, and Juyo for the Warrior's lightsaber spec, for example?

Just kinda seconding this. Because while it never came to me, and I always thought the forms should have been Universal instead of tied to a career?

Making Shii cho a universal makes a TON of sense as the basic form even IF the rest are tied to careers. I love that idea. Just something that was never thought of in development?

Optionally, I'd love to see a 'true Jedi sourcebook' possibly do this, along with a Padawan Universal that might even be considered the starting tree before choosing career.

May I spend multiple force pips to move a target more than one range band with the Draw Closwer talent or can I only use the talent to move them one range band and must use my manuver to move myself within the final range if necessary (i.e. a target that begins at medium range).

Question 1: Can you activate just one side of a saberstaff and use it like a normal light saber?

Our group had this come up in a recent session when the characters were fighting in close quarters. I ruled that yes you could activate only one side, but you received a black when using it that way because it wasn't balanced for it.

Question 2: How much can you make somebody believe with effect mind? Can you make them believe your ally is your enemy, or just basic stuff like this is not the droid you're looking for. The rules state you can make somebody believe something they normally wouldn't, but I'm wondering how far it can be pushed.

Our heroes will be going up against a Sith in our next session. The whole schtick of Darth Badgirl is that she's not much of a saber fighter, but has superb skills with mind tricks and deceptions. Until now most of her manipulations have been off camera, so I could just wave the magic wand of GM and say "it is so." Once they're actually face to face I'm wondering how far I can tweak the characters.

Thanks for the help, keep up the great show.

Edited by Split Light

Just a few days left, folks! Remember, question cutoff is Aug. 27. :D

Great questions, so far!

We clearly need some context and guidance for using the Lore skill to learn new Force powers.

Lorne is specifically referring to a question posed elsewhere by JaceBraddock:

[...] In the Lore skill description says if a character wants to learn a new force technique he must make a lore check. [...] Is this something that is required to actually obtain new force powers in the game? [...]

A player of mine is in the process of creating a Hutt Warrior with the Enhance Force power. He's only bought down the middle so far, enhancing his Resilience & Brawl, but is asking about Force Leaping. I'm having trouble envisioning a Hutt performing a Force Leap. How would the "Force Leap" upgrade, or any of its follow on upgrades, interact with the Ponderous Ability?

Another kind of off-the-wall question. I'm assuming that a Force and Destiny Career would be inappropriate for a droid. But what about any of the Specializations? Would you allow a droid PC to buy a Force and Destiny specialization? They can obviously never benefit from the Force talents, but if they didn't mind buying around them, or even purchasing them and wasting the XP to get to the talents that lie underneath, would you allow it?

A player of mine is in the process of creating a Hutt Warrior with the Enhance Force power. He's only bought down the middle so far, enhancing his Resilience & Brawl, but is asking about Force Leaping. I'm having trouble envisioning a Hutt performing a Force Leap. How would the "Force Leap" upgrade, or any of its follow on upgrades, interact with the Ponderous Ability?

Same question, but with the Quick Movement and Hawk Bat Swoop talents :) How fast should a Hutt be allowed to be if he's using the Force?

On one hand, it's the Force. But on the other hand, it's a Hutt ...

Since the Weequay Blaster Lance has that nifty blade at the end, should it have stats for melee combat and what would they be?

Question 1:What is everyone's favorite piece of art?

Question 2:What was the rationale for allowing PCs only 60000 credits if they purchase a ship, instead of having a Holocron or a mentor?

fun one for Sam

Now I got a scenario the might be an interesting twist...

Player one shoots at player two with the goal of player two redirecting the shot around the corner at targets player one cannot see...How would you do that?

Durian Keldrona

Edited by Daeglan

Lorne is specifically referring to a question posed elsewhere by JaceBraddock:

[...] In the Lore skill description says if a character wants to learn a new force technique he must make a lore check. [...] Is this something that is required to actually obtain new force powers in the game? [...]

Agreed. The piece about learning about ancient Jedi techniques is clear enough, but the "attempting to Master a Force technique" clause is not referenced anywhere else in the book. Is it intended to be a story/narrative driver? Or was it a mechanic used early on but dropped later? The words "must make a Lore check" suggest that it was intended to have a strict mechanical purpose somewhere in the process.

What is Sam's opinion on the dichotomy of people saying that the rules can be used in any era and others that say the rules are made for classic era of star wars and don't have to work with more typical Jedi of other times?

I would like to get a sold explanation of how general defense works with melee & ranged defense, especially with all the Defensive & Deflection ratings flying around these days :)

1. The CRB says (in all three core rulebooks) that multiple sources of defense don't stack. What exactly does this mean? I can pick it up in context that it simply means General Defense (like from equipped armor) doesn't stack with sources of Melee Defense (like the Defensive Quality, or taking a guarded stance) or Ranged Defense (like the Deflection quality, or taking cover). But then the EotE FAQ & Errata came out, and suddenly I don't understand defense anymore. (fist page of the errata, second question). It seems complicated, can you possibly uncomplicate it for me? Example: does the Deflection quality, which provides ranged defense, stack with armor? And if so, what exactly does "multiple sources of defense don't stack" mean?

2. Can Defensive (or Deflection, for ranged defense) qualities stack with each other? Like from an unmodified Lorrdian Gemstone and Lightsaber Pike? Or does the "Defensive 1" not stack with itself? I'm thinking it shouldn't.

3. Does Defensive 1 stack with the effects of guarded stances (or Deflection 1 with the ranged defense from cover)? The way I read it, they do stack, but I just wanted to make sure.

Edited by awayputurwpn

Are there plans for a 7th Force based Career, with the saber form being Form 7, Juyo, perhaps with possible Vapaad enhancements?

I love your interpretation of the lightsaber combat forms, so my question is: When will we see a Juyo or Vaapad specialization?

Any plans for the Jar Kai Lightsaber form?

As my friend from across the pond said...

Potential future stuff dude. They don't answer that stuff.

They cannot (and will not) comment on future plans for future books. We won't get any answers from Sam for any of these questions other than "Can't comment, sorry".

You ask then we try and read the tea leaves of his response...

What Phil is trying to say - is that we likely won't be given the time/permission to even ask. This question (or any others about "potential", "future", or "what-if" releases or concepts) won't likely make it past the FFG reviewers. ;) This is why we cutoff questions a week before a show. FFG has to approve/review all questions that are to be asked - as you might imagine.

Based on past history, this won't pass muster. But we'll see! :D

Okay, folks! My clock says midnight... it's now Aug. 28, and our question cutoff has been reached!

Thank you all for posting up such good questions - and we hope to see you for the LIVE simulcast of this episode!

Remember, Sept. 3, 8:00pm CST!

Thanks, guys!

This looks to be a long episode.

This looks to be a long episode.

There has been a few long episodes recently! No complaints though.

This looks to be a long episode.

There has been a few long episodes recently! No complaints though.

"Tell me about it..." says the Co-Host from the Eastern Time Zone



This looks to be a long episode.

There has been a few long episodes recently! No complaints though.

"Tell me about it..." says the Co-Host from the Eastern Time Zone



And it's appreciated.

This looks to be a long episode.

There has been a few long episodes recently! No complaints though.

"Tell me about it..." says the Co-Host from the Eastern Time Zone



Brew a fresh pot of coffee -- that'll keep you up!


This looks to be a long episode.

There has been a few long episodes recently! No complaints though.

"Tell me about it..." says the Co-Host from the Eastern Time Zone



Brew a fresh pot of coffee -- that'll keep you up!

Nah, just do up a gallon of cold brew the day before in preparation :) Drinks like a lager, tastes like summer. None of that put-you-to-sleep warmness of coffee in a mug :)

Oh deliciousness...thy name is cold brewed coffee...

Edited by awayputurwpn

I love your interpretation of the lightsaber combat forms, so my question is: When will we see

Making Shii cho a universal makes a TON of sense as the basic form even IF the rest are tied to careers. I love that idea. Just something that was never thought of in development?

Optionally, I'd love to see a 'true Jedi sourcebook' possibly do this, along with a Padawan Universal that might even be considered the starting tree before choosing career.

Agree 100% on Shi Cho being universal. I don't mind the others being tied to a career. I don't think in this timeline a Padawan or jedi specialization fits, but if they were to do other time lines than it might be cool. Now that Shi Cho is already part of a career maybe we can see some other future univeral. Me personally I houserule lightsaber forms as universal if taught by someone that is significantly trained in the form.

I love your interpretation of the lightsaber combat forms, so my question is: When will we see

Making Shii cho a universal makes a TON of sense as the basic form even IF the rest are tied to careers. I love that idea. Just something that was never thought of in development?

Optionally, I'd love to see a 'true Jedi sourcebook' possibly do this, along with a Padawan Universal that might even be considered the starting tree before choosing career.

Agree 100% on Shi Cho being universal. I don't mind the others being tied to a career. I don't think in this timeline a Padawan or jedi specialization fits, but if they were to do other time lines than it might be cool. Now that Shi Cho is already part of a career maybe we can see some other future univeral. Me personally I houserule lightsaber forms as universal if taught by someone that is significantly trained in the form.

Likely not going to happen. As the book is out and done.