Hi folks,
perhaps this is a double post, but I didn't find a proper answer to my question by searching the forum. I have a question regarding the movement of large monsters. Especially the case that the movement should be interrupted to perform an other action. We had a discussion over this on or last gaming session. So I will try to describe my question with an example of the movement of an Elemental.
Let's say we have this situation: There are 2 heroes (H1 & H2) and one Elemental (E) placed on the map as follows (Before Activation). Now the Elemental is activated, "shrinks" to the top left field of its base and spends 2 movement points, interrupts its movement and expands like the dashed lines show (Movement Action). Now the Elemental want to use his action "Earth", which says:
"Each hero adjacent to this monster must test awareness. Each hero that fails is Immobilized."
So it seems logically to me, that both heroes are effected by this action.
BUT: The official FAQ says:
Page 16, “Large Monsters”: Add, “When interrupting a large monster’s movement to perform an action, the overlord must be able to declare the action that the large monster will perform before placing the monster’s figure on the map.”
Does this mean the Elemental can only effect H1 when it is interrupting its movement, but will effect both heroes if it ends its movement like shown below?!? This would be very strange in my (overlord) eyes!
Can anyone help me out on this one? Is there another rule clarification I missed out?
Best regards,