About Spider Queen's Lair in RtL

By Hammerdal, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does each separate start area (A-D) count as different areas for the purposes of things like Brilliant Commander/Hordes of the Things/Wind Pact? Or heck, Dire Warnings? Those could be pretty brutal getting to proc at every hero's separate start area....Then again, being the Avatar's last stand, perhaps that is as it is intended, and from what I hear, the Spider Queen needs all the hp she can get.

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For those who don't know the level, the heroes start in four separate corners of the level, which are labeled Start Area A, B, C, and D.

The heroes are all placed at the same time, which would reveal all 4 areas at the same time, if they should even be considered separate. Because that would make certain power cards extremely powerful.

Any opinions?

Those are clearly four different areas, so yes, each of these power-cards is triggered for each of these areas. Power Cards like "hordes of the things" or "brilliant commander" are very powerfull in the keep of the spider queen as the heroes have to fight the additional monsters alone - no teamplay, just you and the horde of the monsters. I haven't played that keep yet, but I think it will be a nasty place for heroes - but I think the fight against the spider queen herself will be rather easy, so yes, she will definitely need every single hitpoint.

Could end up being a tough level; if the OL gets some nice powers out and if my heroes keep getting stuck in the webs, it could be pretty rough. Also, the OL has Brother Against Brother, which could have a pretty big effect on the battle. At least my wind pact will have him start the level with an empty hand.

I picked the spider queen knowing that she was not the toughest Avatar, but the dungeon looked like it would keep the game interesting right to the end.

I'm guessing the Spider Queen will need all the help she can get, we'll probably play it as 4 separate areas revealed for 4 times the "fun." After all, the final level of the campaign should be the toughest. I think those master bane spiders may cause some trouble with their webbing, potentially locking down heroes pretty hardcore.

Also, I'm not sure if it's explicitly mentioned anywhere, but I presume feat cards, along with the OL cards, are discarded when the final battle begins.

The one time we played this level, we played that the Powers only proc once - it is somewhat ambiguous, as they activate "whenever a new area is revealed." Since the Areas are all revealed simultaneously, there is only one 'instance' of the event a 'new area being revealed.'

Regardless, I'm not sure who it helps more. 4 Hordes of Things is nice, but if I recall all the Spiders (presumably what the Spider Queen likes best) are already on the board, and Wind Pact dropping 4 cards is pretty brutal for the Overlord.

So long as the Overlord prepares appropriately (and he has 4 or 5 other levels to do so in), he can get some pretty mean power cards into play, and make sure he plays the good stuff from his hand before beginning the final level, so that he only ends up discarding crap he would probably discard anyway. Two or three power cards proccing on new areas should more than make up for this.

And while they are all revealed simultaneously, you could say they all do proc, and the only question is in what order, although the order shouldn't matter in this case. It certainly is a bit ambiguous, although I'm leaning towards it counting as 4 separate areas, despite it seeming to offer more advantage to the OL in my view, and myself on the Hero team.