maybe your buddies or whoever you play with are all busy and you aren't and you really really want to play some talisman. do you ever just go ahead and play it by yourself?
Do you ever play a game of Talisman by yourself?
Yes. I play two characters at the same time. Have never heard of anyone else doing this. It is a bit of a challenge but I love doing it.
You have to from time to time if your playtesting homebrewed rules. Its a bit dull and hard to keep a eye on all the characters.
When I buy a new board game or expansion, Talisman or not, I do a little solo run to make sure I get the rules before I teach it! But that's it.
Besides, now we have the Digital Edition!
When I first came here, there was a poster, Velhart, who often mentioned that he found ways to play the game solo. I never see him on this forum anymore, but I have heard of other players using more than 1 character to play a game (so a 2 player game can be a 4 player game, etc.)
I regularly play four character games by myself. I enjoy watching the story unfold, and have a large table where I can leave it set up for as long as I need. It's more like reading a novel than strategizing over a game, but it works for me. I find it very relaxing, and I often get lost in "just one more turn" binges.
I sometimes play 2 or 3 (rarely 4) characters against each other to test new house rules or new cards. About once a week.
I regularly play four character games by myself. I enjoy watching the story unfold, and have a large table where I can leave it set up for as long as I need. It's more like reading a novel than strategizing over a game, but it works for me. I find it very relaxing, and I often get lost in "just one more turn" binges.
So do I. And I love it. Let the characters drive the narrative as opposed to the players. The only issue is spellcasting & there are ways around that.
There is a person from Germany named callasmar who posts videos of board games that he plays solitaire on YouTube. His name is The Lonesome Gamer. One of his favourite games of all time is Talisman & he has played & videoed his play throughs which are around 10 parts each at about 45 minutes to an hour per part. He has played the 4th edition twice and the second edition once. He is most enjoyable to watch play this and many other board games which he's done for a number of years. I highly recommend that you check out his videos!
Yes, I too love playing the game solitaire as I get into the narrative this great game creates!
Edited by BogWraithI only have the 4th edition base game, I mostly play solo. Expansion wise, what should be my next purchase be as a mostly solo gamer?
I only have the 4th edition base game, I mostly play solo. Expansion wise, what should be my next purchase be as a mostly solo gamer?
If you play with only 2 characters at once I think you shoudl look for any expansion except The reaper or Blood moon. BUT if you play with more than 2 characters you should buy The reaper (one of my favourits of all time).
I often play solo with 4 characters. Like to do tourneys too so you get to play each character.
His name is The Lonesome Gamer.
Absolutely love watching his games of Talisman! His commentary is fantastic.
Some people think you'd have to be a real nerd to play Talisman by yourself.
Others think you'd have to be a bigger nerd to actually film yourself playing Talisman.
My wife thinks I must be the biggest nerd of all for sitting and watching someone else film themselves playing Talisman.
Long live the Lonesome Gamer.
I played all the time by myself in high school, with my dad's old Talisman second edition from the '80s. I was a closet nerd and never told my friends about it. It was kind of sad, especially since all of those friends are super into gaming now.
Edited by Jenna
All the time!