Help with Ranged Attacks please

By Rdreamspeaker, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hiya having a bit of trouble with Ranged attacks either with bows or magic can you fire throught friendly characters. ie

can a hero fire paseed anothe hero like if you had 4 char in a long corridor can the 2 char at back fire pass the 2 at front.

Rdreamspeaker said:

Hiya having a bit of trouble with Ranged attacks either with bows or magic can you fire throught friendly characters. ie

can a hero fire paseed anothe hero like if you had 4 char in a long corridor can the 2 char at back fire pass the 2 at front.

Normally no they can not, but if I remember right the Skill Precision lets you.

No you can't, figures block line of sight (except for spawning) and that includes ALL figures, even friendly ones. The same goes for the OL and other monsters. Remember that heroes and monsters both can move, attack, and then move again, providing they have enough MPs/fatigue. This can help when planning attacks as certain figures can move in, strike and then get out of the way for their allies to continue.

As Big Remy mentions, there is a skill that lets you ignore one figure/obstacle when tracing line of sight for an attack, but without that skill there's no deal.

There's also that one foreign special-edition character who can ignore all obsacles and figures between themselves and the target.

Thanks for help we played this game about year and half back and have decided to play again and we were at bit rusty on the rules and remebered

some incorrectally.