Starting rtl...

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

RTL questions.

I`ve been hero in rtl(for a short time), but have switched to the dark side, yet it also forms some questions I didnt think of.

1. When the campaign starts, who takes first turn? Page 9(just before " Advanced Campaign Stages ") says "....Players begin the campaign with the first game week". I probably misread "players" to be heroes, as they started. This will naturally give me(the OL) the second move in the first week, then the first move in week two. Probably a minor detail, but for later reference; who would normally start?

2. A hero end his turn adjacent to a glyph, next turn heads to town-temple. Can he have a ready order(rest) as well? If no, can have place an order(rest) the next round if he remains in the temple?

3. Portal to next dungeon level: one hero enters it, and all 3 others are in town. Are heroes automaticly moved to the next level, or can they choose to stay? If my question 2 = yes, resting would be the reason to remain on the map another round, if question 2 = no, then I cant think of a reason for staying.

4. Lieutenants fortifying(page 17). "If there are any lieutenants on the Terrinoth map in the same location as the current dungeon, or a location "removed" from the current location by only one trail, any or all of those lieutenants may fortify the current dungeon". Not sure if I understand the word "removed" in this sentence, am I correct that the lieutenant fortifies his current location and any location one trail away?

5. Lieutenants encounters. OL has not yet bought treachery. Does he get any cards to use?(my guess is no).

6. Lieutenants encounters. If OL has treachery, can he choose spawn cards? If yes, does normal spawn rules apply or are the spawns considered to be reinforced?

1. Every week has the same turn order, so the first week means the Overlord gets 1CT, then moves his Lieutenants, then the players move.

2. No, a hero uses his whole turn to move to town, so no Rest order... The rules are not clear on whether you are allowed to use a turn in town to rest, but I allow it in my campaigns... Rules are explained in pages 17 and 18 in "Glyphs of Transport in Dungeons" and it says the heroes can only restock in buildings...when you check the possible Restock actions (pages 21-22) the only thing they can do is buy potions, buy in the market and pay 25gp to regain Health... still, I allow my group to use one turn to regain their fatigue... seems reasonable and I like it when I am able to stall them

3. To go to next dungeon level, at least one hero needs to go through the portal, the rest can go through portal or to town (page 18 of the rules "The Portal".

4. I agree with your interpretation here; that's what I do in my campaigns.

5. Again your guess is correct (see page 16 of the rules: "In addition, if the overlord has any treachery, he may spend it on a hand of cards...")..

6. Cards in Lt encounters are played as in dungeons (page 16 of rules say "Cards in the overlord hand may be used normally during the encounter"), at least that's what I do in my campaigns.

Moneseki said:

RTL questions.

I`ve been hero in rtl(for a short time), but have switched to the dark side, yet it also forms some questions I didnt think of.

1. When the campaign starts, who takes first turn? Page 9(just before " Advanced Campaign Stages ") says "....Players begin the campaign with the first game week". I probably misread "players" to be heroes, as they started. This will naturally give me(the OL) the second move in the first week, then the first move in week two. Probably a minor detail, but for later reference; who would normally start?

2. A hero end his turn adjacent to a glyph, next turn heads to town-temple. Can he have a ready order(rest) as well? If no, can have place an order(rest) the next round if he remains in the temple?

3. Portal to next dungeon level: one hero enters it, and all 3 others are in town. Are heroes automaticly moved to the next level, or can they choose to stay? If my question 2 = yes, resting would be the reason to remain on the map another round, if question 2 = no, then I cant think of a reason for staying.

4. Lieutenants fortifying(page 17). "If there are any lieutenants on the Terrinoth map in the same location as the current dungeon, or a location "removed" from the current location by only one trail, any or all of those lieutenants may fortify the current dungeon". Not sure if I understand the word "removed" in this sentence, am I correct that the lieutenant fortifies his current location and any location one trail away?

5. Lieutenants encounters. OL has not yet bought treachery. Does he get any cards to use?(my guess is no).

6. Lieutenants encounters. If OL has treachery, can he choose spawn cards? If yes, does normal spawn rules apply or are the spawns considered to be reinforced?

1. The campaign starts at first game week. So then you go to pg 10 to see how a game week passes. Ol will get his turn first (step 3) before the heroes (step 4)

2. If he had a Rest order on him already it will activate when he begins his turn (so he will recover his fatigue) then his entire turn is taken up in going to town and doing a restock action. He must declare a Ready order and use a half action to place a rest order so can;t do so if he heads to town. If he places a rest order the following turn he must leave town (return to the dungeon through a glyph) or his entire turn will be cancelled (see FAQ pg 10). This is completely different to vanilla town rules.

3. The rules on pg18 don't indicate any choice, but I am not 100% sure and in a hurry so can't check (sorry).

4. You are correct.

5. No

6. Yes, with Red treachery. Spawns are placed as reinforcements. I can't find where thios was clarified, possibly in the GLOaQ.

"removed" is being used in the slightly less common sense of "distant from", rather than "taken away". So it's perfectly correct. As in "cousin once removed".

Corbon said:

6. Yes, with Red treachery. Spawns are placed as reinforcements. I can't find where thios was clarified, possibly in the GLOaQ.

Also, remember that you may decide to use up to two points of treachery (doesn't matter what color) to take a normal OL card, which could be a spawn. For example, let's say you only have one trap treachery, but really want a spawn card in a LT encounter. You can not take a normal trap treachery, but instead take the normal skeleton spawn, for example. But you can only do this twice, even if you have a billion treachery. The most common use is to get the regular Danger card and the regular Dark Charm.

SamVimes said:

Corbon said:

6. Yes, with Red treachery. Spawns are placed as reinforcements. I can't find where thios was clarified, possibly in the GLOaQ.

Also, remember that you may decide to use up to two points of treachery (doesn't matter what color) to take a normal OL card, which could be a spawn. For example, let's say you only have one trap treachery, but really want a spawn card in a LT encounter. You can not take a normal trap treachery, but instead take the normal skeleton spawn, for example. But you can only do this twice, even if you have a billion treachery. The most common use is to get the regular Danger card and the regular Dark Charm.

This is incorrect. The treachery must be the same colour/type. In order to get spawns cards you must use spawn treachery, event treachery for event cards and trap treachery for trap cards. The two for one is also wromg. You get two cards without a treachery cost for each point of treachery spent this way.
RtL Pg 16
Additionally, two cards without a treachery cost can be added to his hand for one treachery of the correct type (although Power cards can’t be added to his hand at all).

Yes, you are right. I was going by memory, which apparently isn't that good. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Corbon said:

Moneseki said:

6. Lieutenants encounters. If OL has treachery, can he choose spawn cards? If yes, does normal spawn rules apply or are the spawns considered to be reinforced?

6. Yes, with Red treachery. Spawns are placed as reinforcements. I can't find where thios was clarified, possibly in the GLOaQ.

From the GLoAQ
Can spawned monsters in outdoor encounters be activated the same turn or are they treated as reinforcements?
They are treated as reinforcements in all respects. The normal limit of one spawn card per turn still applies. They do not get to move until the next turn

Since they are treated as reinforcements in all respects they will be placed next to one of the exit points and enter the board next turn. Although the spawn card must be played at the start of the OL's turn, the reinforcements don't get placed beside an exit point until the end of turn. This allows a little more flexibility in their placement. It is easiest to place the monsters fromn eth spawn card, on the card when it is played, beside the gameboard, asa reminder that they will need positioning during the reinforcements part of the turn.

Corbon said:

Additionally, two cards without a treachery cost can be added to his hand for one treachery of the correct type (although Power cards can’t be added to his hand at all).

While we are at it: can the OL use that rule more often then once per Lt encounter??

Buying "danger" and "dark balm" for one event treachery, and "dark charm" and "crushing" block from a trap treachery, for example?

The OL can spend all his treachery in that way, if he wants to. If the OL doesn´t have AoD/WoD, he will actually HAVE to do it.

Sinso said:

While we are at it: can the OL use that rule more often then once per Lt encounter??

Buying "danger" and "dark balm" for one event treachery, and "dark charm" and "crushing" block from a trap treachery, for example?

Remember you have a card limit in your hand, though. So if you start with more cards than allowed, you'll have to discard some for threat at the beginning of your first turn... at least that's how I play it.