LackeyCCG Plugin Version 1.3.5 Online with Imperial Enganglements

By MasterJediAdam, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Star Warriors,

The LackeyCCG plugin for Star Wars LCG has been updated to version 1.3.5! Please see information from the README.

**You will need to manually update decks with R2-D2 (4), Rescue Mission (16), Vader’s TIE Advanced (21)/(159), Force Stasis (22), ‘Backstabber’ (27), Grand Moff Tarkin (28), Rogue Squadron Operative (44) and Chewbacca (69)**
- Added Imperial Entanglements Deluxe Expansion and images
- Fixed an issue which allowed the user to identify Force Choke (23) in command deck
- Fixed ‘New Game’ feature of Main Menu (now displays Balance Token)
- Corrected Resource count and Affiliation errors
- Minor corrections in game text
- Obj and EE-Obj columns were changed to Blast and EE-Blast to be consistent with rulebook
Vader's TIE Advanced needed to be changed because the Core unit was incorrectly named in the CardDataFile. R2-D2 from Red Five's Core Set had a typo that made it difficult to search for, and Backstabber was missing its " marks
Enjoy, play Star Wars LCG, and as always, support your local Brick and Mortar gaming store by buying these awesome cards when they are released!

Thanks for the great work on this plug-in. I just started using it. Super cool.

You are most welcome.