I have proxies for all of the familiars that need them. But I just got Bonds of the Wild, and I am having trouble finding something suitable to use as a Brightblaze proxy. Any ideas? Please post links.
Edited by MadmartiganWhat to use as a Brightblaze proxy?
FF should really come out with a pack that has familiar miniatures. I know people would buy it. While we're at it, can't they make some villagers too? Can they not see the potential value?
<On the Index of Useful Links>
Second from right:
Brightblaze #1
First from right:
Brightblaze #2
I personally like the second one best out of the two.
Using the one from the old miniature, since it's easy to cut it out
FF should really come out with a pack that has familiar miniatures. I know people would buy it. While we're at it, can't they make some villagers too? Can they not see the potential value?
I want to buy this, make it!
I'm not sure if anybody is following this thread anymore, but I was able to find a pretty good brightblaze equivalent on Amazon or ReaperMini after some digging around. Unfortunately, it has wings, but the rest looks like the familiar.
With Careful cutting you can get this
With Careful cutting you can get this
Very impressive sir, it always bugged me a little bit that such a great mini was essentially under the Mage's mini and they gave us a token instead. Still, the original double mini is a great sculpt as is. Awesome work.
Edited by LuijodI meant to post this a while ago. But my Challara was actually damaged when I bought the H&M pack. So FFG sent me a new one. And, instead of chucking the broken one I did the same thing. I just cut off the Challara portion of the figure, and filed down the residue. Here are the results.
Edited by Madmartigan
And there it is, my prayers have been answered! PRAISE KELLOS!
I am necroing this thread because it is the one that comes up the most in Google search when trying to find a Brightblaze proxy, so I figure it will be the most helpful to others:
Aside from the most ideal solution of removing the hero from Brightblaze as seen above, some other options could be:
Blue Wyrmling #29 Dragoneye
Bluespawn Ambusher
A basilisk of some kind. Sure it has a few extra legs, but it's either them or wings.
I didn't select these simply because they are blue (but that is convenient for those where painting is not an option), they just happened to be blue and the closest thing I could find to Brightblaze's appearance. It is really difficult to find a dragon type miniature without wings on the scale needed for this game.
I'm probably going with the Bluespawn Ambusher myself, and shave off the horn. Challara just spoiled him with a few too many dragon treats, that's all.
http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/lizard/sku-down/03704#detail/03704_g_1 Not perfect, but that's what I found a while ago...
How about The Bloodseeker Drake from the D&D Boardgames? That's what I use.
DESCENT PROXIES these are the ones I use. The bright blaze is the drake from Legend of Drizzt.