Question about claiming public objective

By stormblade666, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition


last game we had a issue about the wording of a public objective. It is said : "I won a space battle containing at least 3 opposing ships in one system this turn."

It is possible to claim it if the criteria are meet before that the objective card is reveiled after but on the same turn ? I could be really hard to remember all the fight in a 6-8 player game where a big turn could take more than a hour.

I apologize for my spelling I'm french and it it probably wy we ad a issue about this rule.


Yes you can claim that objective if the battle occured before the card was revealed.

Humm that mean that I was wrong..... lol ... thx for the qick answer !

And all the argument because of this little sentence :"Note that a player cannot gain victory points from a Public Objective Card that is not yet revealed."

You can't gain the points until it is required, but you can still meet the criteria. All that really matters when you claim an objective is that at the time you claim it, you meet the criteria. In this case, the criteria is "Won a space battle against 3 ships this turn". If you did that, you can claim it; if not, you can't. It doesn't matter when during the turn you met it, as long as at the time you gain the points, it's "true".

IE - you can't claim points for unrevealed objectives, but that mostly means that if, for instance, you use Bureaucracy and know what the NEXT objective is (but didn't reveal it this turn), you can't claim the points for it. During the status phase (or primary of Bureacuracy) you can only claim points for objectives that are actually revealed at the time, though you could have fulfilled the requirements for it BEFORE it was revealed.

I hope that helps.

yeah it help alot

thx !