Enemy Without Expansion

By fog1234, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

I like very much how they, in my opinion, brought back the principal xenos from 40k universe in this book. I was tired of these mainstream xenos (as much as I was tired of mainstream daemons) but now, they brought them back with a colour that pleases me. Maybe that's just me also and the fact of reading about them again helped me like them much again, but hey, that was my feeling about it.

I would like an Askellon bestiary.

I like very much how they, in my opinion, brought back the principal xenos from 40k universe in this book. I was tired of these mainstream xenos (as much as I was tired of mainstream daemons) but now, they brought them back with a colour that pleases me. Maybe that's just me also and the fact of reading about them again helped me like them much again, but hey, that was my feeling about it.

I can see your point, but for me, the constant repetition of the same small handful of tabletop xenos- despite the fact that the fluff makes it clear that the galaxy is supposed to be absolutely thick with xenos beyond the very limited number which appear in the tabletop game- makes the setting feel... 'stunted'. It's sort of like how the old Marvel Star Wars comics (in the '70s) were constantly returning to Tatooine- yeah, it's an interesting planet, but it's a big galaxy- or at least it's supposed to be...

Hopefully it's a sign that we will be getting an "Askellon Bestiary" a short way around the bend.

I hope so, too.

Edited by Adeptus-B

I can see your point, but for me, the constant repetition of the same small handful of tabletop xenos- despite the fact that the fluff makes it clear that the galaxy is supposed to be absolutely thick with xenos beyond the very limited number which appear in the tabletop game- makes the setting feel... 'stunted'. It's sort of like how the old Marvel Star Wars comics (in the '70s) were constantly returning to Tatooine- yeah, it's an interesting planet, but it's a big galaxy- or at least it's supposed to be...

Agreed, a little bit of both would be necessary.

I'm happy that they gave those xenos voice in DH2 in a concrete way, but I still was favourable of DH1 approach with creatures like the Slaught!

I read through the whole book and I have to say: Wow, really impressive! I love it. Since shortly before my copy of Enemies Without (EWo) arrived, I featured an Ork with the "old" stats from DH1 in my campaign, I wonder about the new stats. No True Grit? Only Unnatural Toughness (1)? The DH1 Ork Boy was enough to challenge my warband of three, mainly because of its impressive damage soak. I doubt the EWo Ork Boy would challenge them for long. So here's my question: Are the "new" Orks nerfed on purpose or did something go wrong with their stats?

Most likely they're not intended for the same role, and/or due to having a better handle on the game's mechanics. Despite being a decent threat to a whole party as a result of its ability to soak damage, the DH1E Ork Boy was still listed as having a Xenos Minoris (ie, 2 out of 5) for its Threat Rating. In contrast, the DH2E Ork Boy has a Threat Level of 10 (ie, a light challenge for a group of PCs if it's on its own and they're new) and is explicitly a Troop (ie, dies when it runs out of wounds). I dunno why it doesn't also have a melee weapon, but so far as oversights go that's relatively easy to fix. (It's still an oversight, of course.)

I think it is indeed too weak, but the other end in DH1 was way too much in my opinion. But I would have liked a mix of both.

So like in OW then? The stats for Orks there are pretty spot-on imo.


What is "Street Fighting"? I have not seen this in any DH2 book.

Street Fighting was a talent of marginal use that added half your WS bonus to critical damage when using various small weapons. It's basically obsolete when you consider the wider applicability of Deathdealer now as opposed to Crippling Strike/Crack Shot previously.

I think that DH2 orks are better. I played orks a lot in OWar and killing them there was simply taking too long due to True Grit talent.

I think that DH2 orks are better. I played orks a lot in OWar and killing them there was simply taking too long due to True Grit talent.

Well I think the problem there was that you, or your GM, was giving Criticals to Troops. Just leave that for "special" Ork Boyz like when you run into a small patrol of say 3 Orks. Otherwise its a slog no matter what type of Troop you fight.