Very good tale and Kili/Fili and Gloin...

By cfrun0, in Rules questions & answers

Just wanted to check with the community on this one. If i use a Very Good Tale and put into play Kili or Fili, I CAN'T fetch the other card (kili or fili) because you have to play Kili or Fili from your hand? Same question for ally Gloin, I would NOT get the resource if i use A Very Good Tale to get Gloin out??


Correct. You would not be able to fetch Fili/Kili or get the resources because the cards are entering play from your discard pile and are not played from hand.

Edited by Ecthelion III

Correct. You would not be able to fetch Fili/Kili or get the resources because the cards are entering play from your discard pile and are not played from hand.

Thanks for the clarification!