Oggdude Appreciation Thread!

By RodianClone, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

OggDude is a genuine hero of our time!

Your app is so far above and beyond it blows my fragile little mind. Jam packed with hard work. You've already made my GMing life so much easier and I've only been using it a few days

Thank you for all your work OggDude, and additional thanks to those helping with the character generator as well!

*gets on knees*
You know what to do. Just be gentle.

OggDude, I want to have your baby.

Except I'm 49 so I'm probably near the end of my baby-producing years. And I'm a guy. And I'm straight.

But other than those hurdles, I'd be very willing to produce Llttle Oggy and/or Oggette.

In lieu of offspring, please accept my virtual handshake.

It is appreciated.

OogDude deserves some Different Forum Title than Member

HUGE Member?

It's great stuff! Thanks, Ogg!

Thank you Oggdude for your hard work. this program has helped my group and I out so much.

Amazed by how well the character generator let my new players learn the system by playing with their characters in a rules-consistent way.

(One of them is crying because she only has a Mac, though. Guess I need to donate and hope some funds go to an Apple-compatible version, or else I'm not allowed to complain...)

Amazed by how well the character generator let my new players learn the system by playing with their characters in a rules-consistent way.

(One of them is crying because she only has a Mac, though. Guess I need to donate and hope some funds go to an Apple-compatible version, or else I'm not allowed to complain...)

Sadly because of the architecture a mac version is unlikely to happen. But conveniently you can run a virtual pc on a mac.

Thought I'd necro this thread seeing as the main thread is at 260 pages (and counting). Oggdude's work on the Character generator is amazing. Super high-quality, wonderfully useful, feature rich, tuned to users, etc. And even after 260 pages he is STILL answering questions and bug reports promptly, courteously and completely, fixing and changing things as quick as he can.

Really, he doesn't get enough praise. Seriously, take Oggdude's Character Generator and GM Tools out of the mental picture for a moment: what would your campaign be like? I bet your answer had the words "not as..." in there somewhere.

HUGE Member?


Ah, you guys... <blush> You're embarrassing me! It makes me happy that so many of you find the apps useful. I'm glad it's making your lives a bit easier. I have to say the SWRPG community is probably one of the most supportive group of gaming enthusiasts that I've ever encountered. It really is a privilege to support the game and to support all of you.

We love you Oggy!

Made an account just to post here.

Thank you OggDude , We've used your character generator to get us started(first game this weekend :D ) with Edge of the empire.

I'll be donating tomorrow just before our session starts.

I can also offer help with coding (i'm sure there are lots of bugs to fix, or features to add) as I have extensive experience as a software developer and am a qualified computer scientist.(B.Sc Hons CompSci).

Just drop me a PM if I can help with anything.

HUGE Member?


At times my mind is in the gutter...

... but only when it's coming up for air.

Ah, you guys... <blush> You're embarrassing me! It makes me happy that so many of you find the apps useful. I'm glad it's making your lives a bit easier. I have to say the SWRPG community is probably one of the most supportive group of gaming enthusiasts that I've ever encountered. It really is a privilege to support the game and to support all of you.

Hey man,

Thanks for the app! Our group use it all the time. Really time saving!