Oggdude Appreciation Thread!

By RodianClone, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Thank you for the character generator and the adversaries and everything! You are great. Thank you for taking time and energy to make great stuff for free!

Join me in thanking this dude! The Dude of Ogg!

And press the donate button in the generator!

Thanks, Dude!


Edited by RodianClone

I'll applaud with the rest, cause he has really good comments and very good insight.

I would comment on his program, but

VSD8jdG.png VSD8jdG.png VSD8jdG.png

keep getting in the way... heh heh!

Yep, love that character generator!

Mucho love and appreciation from this new GM and his players!


It solves so many problems and makes what could take hours take minutes. I have bought him a couple beers. Others should as well :)

Still can't run it.

May the Force be with him!

While I have not really used it yet, I have been impressed with it!

Thanks Oggdude!

Thanks very much for all your hard work on the Character Generator, my group and I use it for all our games in the Outer Rim Territories.

It solves so many problems and makes what could take hours take minutes. I have bought him a couple beers. Others should as well :)

As a part time freelance artist I want to say that he should NOT be doing this for free! We should be able to donate.. Can we?

It solves so many problems and makes what could take hours take minutes. I have bought him a couple beers. Others should as well :)

As a part time freelance artist I want to say that he should NOT be doing this for free! We should be able to donate.. Can we?

You can.

If you start up the program (the character generator, not the launcher) you'll notice a button at the top, right next to options that says [$ Donate $]

Click that and you can donate via paypal.

Oggdude's program has been a great inspiration for me, a drain on my ink as I print WAY too many things, and a lifesaver when my resident Bothan decided to pee on several books and ruin them.

When Darth Vader said "I have you now" in the original Star Wars, we couldn't see it because of the camera angle but he was really talking about Oggdude's program which he had running on his laptop. So you know, he'd thank Oggdude as well...if he weren't dead.

Us: We love you Oggdude!

Oggdude: I know.

If you use it, buy him a beer via the donate option.

It solves so many problems and makes what could take hours take minutes. I have bought him a couple beers. Others should as well :)

As a part time freelance artist I want to say that he should NOT be doing this for free! We should be able to donate.. Can we?

You can.

If you start up the program (the character generator, not the launcher) you'll notice a button at the top, right next to options that says [$ Donate $]

Click that and you can donate via paypal.

I just did:)

Well, seeing as I'm still unemployed for 5 more days, I'll wait until I get my first paycheck to give him a lil' sumin' sumin' :)


Well... I can't post a gif here, but...

Here's raising a glass to you, Ogg. Let's do it in real life one of these days.

I manage 3 groups, and that in itself would be impossible if it wasn't for Oggdudes character generator.

Indeed. Thanks a ton for one of the best character generators out there (commercial or "fan" created).

Ah, you guys... <blush> You're embarrassing me! It makes me happy that so many of you find the apps useful. I'm glad it's making your lives a bit easier. I have to say the SWRPG community is probably one of the most supportive group of gaming enthusiasts that I've ever encountered. It really is a privilege to support the game and to support all of you.

Ah, you guys... <blush> You're embarrassing me! It makes me happy that so many of you find the apps useful. I'm glad it's making your lives a bit easier. I have to say the SWRPG community is probably one of the most supportive group of gaming enthusiasts that I've ever encountered. It really is a privilege to support the game and to support all of you.

You rock, man! :) Do you have a character you want me to draw? I would like to do that for you when I have enough time between paying jobs.

Again, thank you so much for your awesom and helpful tools!

Everyone who are using the app, donate now and show your appreciation too! :D

Ah, you guys... <blush> You're embarrassing me! It makes me happy that so many of you find the apps useful. I'm glad it's making your lives a bit easier. I have to say the SWRPG community is probably one of the most supportive group of gaming enthusiasts that I've ever encountered. It really is a privilege to support the game and to support all of you.

You rock, man! :) Do you have a character you want me to draw? I would like to do that for you when I have enough time between paying jobs.

Again, thank you so much for your awesom and helpful tools!

Everyone who are using the app, donate now and show your appreciation too! :D

I'll donate once I've bought all the supplements that they've released so far :blink:

Ah, you guys... <blush> You're embarrassing me! It makes me happy that so many of you find the apps useful. I'm glad it's making your lives a bit easier. I have to say the SWRPG community is probably one of the most supportive group of gaming enthusiasts that I've ever encountered. It really is a privilege to support the game and to support all of you.

Just kidding, man. I love the program, and am very thankful for the effort you've put toward a piece of software for a hobby. In many ways, your generator utilities are better than some "professionally written" piles of dung-filled code passing as a character generator for other systems for which I've paid full retail price in the past.

I hope everyone that uses OggDude's generator hits that donate button and sends him something for his efforts!

Edited by Lifer4700

It is appreciated.

OogDude deserves some Different Forum Title than Member

How about Character Generator-Generator?