Just moved to Capitol Hill. Looking for gamers.. I love FFG, due to its emphasis on storytelling backed up by a stellar system. I love all forms of storytelling but SW is my favorite.
New to Seattle
I'm not there yet, but my wife and I are avid FFG gamers and will be moving into the area in January
Just moved to Capitol Hill. Looking for gamers.. I love FFG, due to its emphasis on storytelling backed up by a stellar system. I love all forms of storytelling but SW is my favorite.
Welcome to the area! I am a bit further south (Tacoma), but I would suggest my two favorite FLGSs up there: Blue Highway Game and Card Kingdom. You might be able to connect with some local gamers there!
I will also be moving up ther. More towards Vancouver Wash. Not sure when though... have to deal with lawyers first. ug.
http://www.dragonflight.org You have a year to get ready! (Thanks to Daeglan for the fix)
Edited by Streakhttp://www.dragonflight.org You have a year to get ready!
the link is missing the last g...
As luck would have it, I'm actually in Bellevue.
Welcome to my lovely city! I work at Card Kingdom, and I can tell you that it is the single best FLGS you'll find in the Northwest. We are ridiculously passionate about gaming, and we've got some radical Star Wars enthusiasts on staff (myself included). We've always got events going on, we have a large tournament room, dedicated roleplaying/wargaming tables, and even a restaurant where you can borrow games and drink beer. If you're looking to make friends and meet gamers, this is the place for you.
I work Tuesdays during the day and I get real bored working behind the bar when it's slow, so come on by and we'll talk shop!
Do you guys have a good X-wing scene as well? That is by far my main game, and I'm looking forward to meeting a new playgroup
We do! Thursday nights we get a ton of people playing X-Wing. I'm not sure if it's a tournament or just casual play, but we have some really nice spaces for playing X-Wing. I have a bunch of coworkers who are into the game, as well. Sundays we paint our ships sometimes.
I moved into Capitol Hill in April. Looking to put together a game with a mixture of Edge of Empire and FaD set closer to the Old Republic era.
I will go check out Card Kingdom as soon as I can.. Tues are generally good for me.. I feel a lil outta my league, I'm from a much smaller community and most my old gaming crew were folks I grew up with, wandering in the void of "nerdness" is new to me. There are characters and stories I wanna see out there!
Hi all,
I'd love to be part of any Star Wars group that forms. I recently moved back to Seattle and am looking to play and/or run a game. I have the Edge of the galaxy book but haven't played it yet. But tons of experience in other systems.
Shoes and Zpher, do you want to meet up some Tuesday? I work downtown until 4:30. Card Kingdom is an awesome place to play and I also like Raygun on Cap Hill.
Anyone interested in playing Star Wars in Seattle, I'm meeting at Card Kingdom on Tuesday. A few of us are gathering Tuesday (Sept 8th) to get a Star Wars game going. We'll be there at 5PM. Reply to this post if you wanna come and let me know what time.
We'll figure out what game days and times work and who wants to play and who wants to GM. I don't expect we'll actually play Star Wars this Tuesday, maybe character generation or campaign ideas, but who knows.
See you there!
5PM is way too soon for me. I get off work at 4:30 PM. I'm sure you can guess what sort of traffic is on the I90 about then.
I do indeed. Bellevue to Seattle is a mess. If you still want to meet, I'll be there util at least 8PM, and can stay longer if that works.
I'm hoping to run a game on a weeknight every other week, probably starting around 6PM. That might not work for you with traffic. BUT a few other people are meeting at Card Kingdom and they could be up for a second game on weekends?
Have a great Labor Day!
Though I started this thread, I actually need to remove myself from the potential player list for a while. Cap Hill and Seattle's housing crisis, has caused my spouse and I to seek refuge in Bremerton. Rents a LOT cheaper.
While we get settled in a new home and jobs, I don't want to commute too far for gaming. Have fun tho guys! May the Force be with you.
Sorry to hear you left Seattle zypher. I'm hosting a Star Wars meet and greet tonight at the Ballard Card Kingdom starting at 5PM for anyone interested in joining a campaign. PM me or look for the guy in the burgundy buttoned down work shirt.
Zypher, good luck in Bremerton. I'm sure there are gamers there, probably near the naval base. I take the ferry over that way for work sometimes and it seems pretty cool.