Armada at Worlds

By ChrisLS2, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

I'm not sure if this should be here or in the FFG Events forum, but here it goes.

With Wave 2 still at the printer and Worlds sneaking up on us remarkably fast (is it seriously only three months away?!?), will the Armada World Championship be a 300 point event? Obviously I want to prepare for whatever format is being used, and I don't see Wave 3 getting onto the boat and hitting retailers much before Worlds, if at all.

Is there a way to get an official FFG position on this?


Nothing official. I am going to world and I am expecting the tournament to include wave 2 and 400 points. Also to note, armada world is scheduled for 4th quarter and wave 2 is scheduled for 3rd quarter.

The official word is that if wave 2 comes out with enough time for people to practice and get used to wave 2 and 400 points it will be 400 points (likely need a month to 2 months with 1.5 months being the sweet spot)

If it is not out with enough time then 300 but for right now it is 300

Nothing official. I am going to world and I am expecting the tournament to include wave 2 and 400 points. Also to note, armada world is scheduled for 4th quarter and wave 2 is scheduled for 3rd quarter.

Thanks. Let's hope they get here, but with the status currently 'At the Printer', I can't say I'm optimistic.