Automatic deck shuffler for disabled friend.

By EasyTarget, in General Discussion

With the release of 2.0, it's been such a blast getting friends of mine interested in AGoT. One friend, in particular, has Amniotic Band Syndrome (link at the bottom) which makes certain aspects of the game, such as shuffling, a bit difficult for him.

Does anyone know of any automatic card shufflers that can handle sleeved cards? I have yet to find one that doesn't damage the cards or the sleeved cards don't fit.

Also, if the card shuffler can't be a solution for sleeved cards, what are the chances he can play without sleeved cards in an organized event (such as regionals) so he can use a shuffler?

Any suggestions would really help.


This kind of thing has been mentioned in the past, as the tournament rules did mention that a deck could not exceed what someone could shuffle "unaided" (no devices). I have never heard *any* report of that being used to disqualify a player based on motor skills/neurological conditions/physical impairments - and I really can't imagine anyone ever doing so.

You also don't require sleeves (although I recommend them) for casual / store championship level play, although they are required for regional/national/world events.

I don't have much experience with card shufflers (certainly not with sleeves) so I can't help you there, but if you can find a shuffler I would clear it with the TO at a major event (I'm sure they'll approve) and/or offer any opponent the opportunity to shuffle your deck instead of your shuffler.

Has your friend tried any other forms of shuffling outside of some of the standard means? I'm sure he has, but maybe we can help come up with a way that is less motor skill dependent.

Maybe Pile Shuffling or Corgi Shuffling is possible?

Another option that may work is to ask the Tournament Organizer or the Judge to shuffle their deck for them before the game. During the game, perhaps the opponent can shuffle it lightly when card effects require deck shuffling.

I'm sorry if this does not help you much...

Also, try visiting the Game of Thrones 2.0 forums here and posting this very topic. It typically has more exposure to the online community than these FFG forums do, and you might find a better response from more players there.

Thank you both for the responses and advice! It seems sleeved cards might be easier to shuffle for him (Table shuffle or otherwise) because they are essentially wedges if shuffled from bottom side of the sleeve to the other bottom. He concocted, what is essentially, two deck boxes on top of each other where he slides one half of the deck into the other and repeats the process. Seems to work quite well and he's been able to get around 7 shuffles in under 45 seconds.

I have a friend with one hand probably from ABS. He manages to shuffle fairly well with sleeved cards. He puts the bottom of the sleeved stack against his stomach, puts his bad hand against the top of the stack to hold it in place, then cuts the deck with his good hand and mashes half the cards down onto the half he's holding steady below. He straightens out the stack with his good hand, and then just repeats.

I've never met an automatic card shuffler (unless it's a $5,000 model in a casino) that works. Probably totally impossible if sleeved.

There are guys who can't shuffle because they've never learned or brought a ridiculous pile of cards and guys who can't shuffle because they have a disability. I find it unlikely that some accomodation that does not require a mechanical shuffler for those with a disability is unreachable. The point of rules about shuffling are to save time and prevent disagreements not to exclude people.

Edited by Frimmel

I'm very surprised this does not exist. I wouldn't use it, but there are plenty of people who cannot shuffle due to disabilities. It's a real shame.