Don't play as much, selling off some stuff

By player1402297, in UFS Uk Forum

Long time no see!

To cut a long story short, I've (finally) started my training at work, which is going to take about 3 1/2 years or so of my blood, sweat and tears. Though I still intend to play UFS during this time and should be at the national events, I won't be playing even half as much as I used to and probably have my UFS confined to a weekend or a Thursday every month.

That being said, I've decided to sell off some of my more valuable cards, which I won't have the time to properly use. I'd rather they go to a UK player which is why I'm posting here.

4x Menuett Dance - £18 each, playset for £63

4x Knight Breaker - £18 each, playset for £63

4x Controller of Souls - £12 each, playset for £42

5x Midnight Launcher - £7 each, playset for £25

email: [email protected]
