Any players in Indiana?

By ThatAsianKid1, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Indy, Greenwood, Columbus, or Bloomington? My fleet is just collecting dust at the moment. I'd rather it be destroying rebel scum :)

Hey there!

I am in Fishers (north east side of Indy) and just started playing. (but because I am OCD, now have everything!) hehe...

I am totally up for playing with whomever, wherever, whenever! ;)

Where exactly are you located? Would Fishers area be doable? Or the castleton area game store? That is close to my house.

I can play most weeknights and an occasional weekend.


Just bought this game off amazon should get it Wednesday. Is there a big following in Indiana? Store tournaments? Seems fun and looking to get into this game a bit

Hey Beemer,

Ive had and been playing for a couple months only and become rather addicted ;)

I live on the north east side of Indianapolis but am willing to travel a bit to play.

The Game Preserve at Keystone has a Wednesday night group that plays. I am there most Wednesdays now.

Saltire Games on Pendleton pike play on the the 2nd and 4th sundays of the month. About a half dozen guys there.

Game Time in castleton also has a group playing, but not sure if specific nights or just ad hoc

I am trying to play more and as often as I can find opponents. If you are up for a game, let me know and I am happy to help you learn the game and free to use my stuff to supplement as you need :)


I live in Columbus and would love to get a regular local game going. I own a very large collection of both factions and yet to have even played.

Problem being as I work in accursed retail so my hours, especially for the coming months, are sort of chaotic.

Hey deadza!

Columbus is a short hop from Indy

I'd love to plan a meetup and at one of the game stores and play. I also have a disgusting amount of ships now and just want to play more! Hehe...

Holiday retail is chaotic. I am retired military so am pretty flexible on availability. Let me know when is good for you and I'm sure we can make it happen
