is the Littlefinger variant still around?

By Hidatom, in General Discussion

is the littlefinger variant in the new rulebook?
I hope so I am very proud of my wife's creation and it's fun to play.

I don't see any variants in any of the rules, but there's also nothing stopping you from playing that variant in 2.0.


littlefinger is a variant where you can spend gold to "bribe" your opponents or get gold for helping / hurting people. it's really only good in Multi-player.

when we had the first littlefinger tournament we had chocolate coins you would use as a separate resource...the "official" variant just uses gold.

the official variant was in the last version of the rules...I don't see it in the new one.

Ah right, I thought there was some alternative Littlefinger card or smtn :D

Now I'm hoping they reprint the Kingsmoot cards.

If you're not playing the Littlefinger variant, can you offer non-game-related bribes? For example, "Don't attack me this round. Attack one of these other guys, and I will buy you a Coke at the end of the round."