Finally... Friday!

By Grayfax, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Hooray... I was finally able to order my Force and Destiny Core Rulebook, the Boxed Set (because Moar Force Dice and plot) and the GM Kit. I was kind of concerned that they were going to be sold out before I could get my order in after payday. Theoretically, CSI is saying I will have it by Friday... here's hoping that's the case or it will be a really long weekend!

Ok, thanks for letting me share... now get back to bashing each other... with all the kindness you can muster...

I've found Cool Stuff to be pretty efficient, so... good luck, and hopefully it will be in your hands when expected.

Nice! I believe mine was delivered, but I myself won't be home until Saturday. Here's to a great weekend!

I've found Cool Stuff to be pretty efficient, so... good luck, and hopefully it will be in your hands when expected.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out I only live an hour or so away from Cool Stuff.

I think I'm about as far from Cool Stuff as you can possibly be and still be in the Continental US. Shipping to Seattle always takes at least a week, as I'm to cheap to pay for expedited delivery. Miniatures Marketplace is a bit better, but not much,

Well... what I initially thought was going to be the same Friday, turned out to be the next Friday. Luckily, it got here on Tuesday, so several days early! WooHoo!

I should have just called in sick today or taken a vacation day... the book is in my backpack 3 feet behind me and all I want to do is open it up and read it... but that is a bit obvious at work, so here I am on the forums...

Cool Stuff had the items in stock and shipped them out, but I may go back to the Warstore for future FFG items. It looked like CSI just kind of threw the items in the box and loosely added filler peanuts. By the time it got to me they were pretty smashed. "Neal" at the Warstore not only packs better, but also encloses all books in a heavy duty ziplock bag, so it is waterproof and peanut proof!

Is your copy roughed up then? I would think a complaint to CoolStuff would get you a replacement. If not thats really crappy of them.

I hadn't heard of Warstore before! I'll add them to my list :)

I sadly haven't been able to really dig into mine yet. It doesn't help that the game I was asked to take over is heavily invested in Edge of the Empire so my F&D stuff probably won't get used much until we wrap up the adventure they had started.

That's unfortunate. CoolStuff did a great job with packaging my order.

Just bent... I think I can get it to fix itself (if I can ever convince myself to lay it down long enough to make a difference)...