I just started a new campaign of DH2 with my group of friends. They've played Rogue Trader for a while with me, so they're familiar with the D100 system, and we did go over some of the differences between DH2 and RT.
We just hit our first combat in Dark Pursuits (The old manufactorum with Zax Holothane)....and I have to ask if anyone else has had concerns about the difficulty. I'm aware that DH2 is at a much lower power level than RT, and I reminded them of this fact. That being said, since most people only have access to nothing better than a lasgun (exceptions: Someone picked up a sniper rifle at character gen, and our outcast has a chainsword), I'm finding the soak thresholds of most npcs to be ridiculously high. The encounter lead-up states that zax has roughly a dozen hired lasguns with him. I lowered that number to 6, and even with some creative use of scenery (blowing up a promethium tank and using cover) it took forever to take down even his hired lasguns.
Unless people preemptively pick up SP weapons with man-stopper ammo, it is REALLY hard to get past armor and toughness. Reading further ahead, I'm looking at the final encounter with the daemonhost, and I just have NO idea how they're supposed to stand a chance against something that soaks 14 damage on a hit with no penetration.
Does anyone have suggestions, ways that they've re-tuned the encounters, or am I missing something on how this is supposed to work?