Combining Runebound with Descent

By sdh007, in Runebound

Hi all,

As I look at the game mechanics, enemies and such, I just feel the urge to implement this new edition with my Descent stuff. Probably will make a variant as soon as I get my hands on the 3rd edition.

The things that instantly come to my mind are the following:

- keeping the movement dice

- change the combat tokens to combat dice like in Descent. It seems like a nice mechanic but I'm a dice rolling lover :P

- making small mini maps for when you encounter monsters. The monsters seem to be Descent monsters (logical as they are all in the Terrinoth universe) and so far I spotted in the video highlight from FFG Deep Elves, Sorcerers, Razorwings, Dreadbringer (either Shadow Dragon or Crypt Dragon can do) but also saw somewhere that Beastmen and Zombies were mentioned. So I would make a small mini map (max up to 3 tiles) and use the correct miniatures.

- allowing players to work togheter as a team rather then playing competitive and individual.

- ....

I know, I know...the game isn't even released yet and I'm wanting to change it. Sorry, I just feel this is an opportunity to create something epic! :lol:

Edited by sdh007

@ sdh007 :

what about a 8h to 10h game ?


Of course, the idea is appealing to me (even if I don't own Descent) but it would be really time-consuming for really little improvement.

What you want can be done in computer games, not board games.

Play Rune Wars, resolve hero phase in Runebound and quests in Descent. Also throw in Battlelore to resolve the battles for added effect then wonder what you've been doing all month.