Classic game was one of my first...

By Doc Savage, in Cosmic Encounter

I have pre-ordered Cosmic Encounter which is one of the first hobby games I played back (25 years ago) in college. We had played Avalon Hill games in high school, but Cosmic Encounters opened up a whole new world, with easier yet interesting play, variable powers and the craziness that ensues. Many more people would play this than the A.H. stuff. I never owned a copy, but played other peoples'.

I can' t wait to open this up and see how the new game plays. Thanks FFG for bringing this classic back into print.


played this at a con and had a blast! very cool!! cool.gif

Welcome back Doc! I'm sure you'll be pleased with FFG's take on Cosmic Encounter!

Do you lnow what version you played? Did youre group have any expansion sets?


I just picked this up two weeks ago and am having a blast with it. Just seven games played so far but everyone I played with enjoyed it.

How close is this to the original? I have very fond memories and am thinking about buying this one.

I have no idea since this is the only edition I know, but hell, don't hesitate. This game makes every player laugh and get excited. I mean it. One of the best, simplest and funniest games in the world. A KW (re)work, that's it.

The FFG version is closer to the original Eon version than any of the other reprints. Granted it doesn't yet have everything that was in the expansion sets, but it's getting there. As it is, the base set has much more in it than the original Eon base set did. So what are you waiting for?

The FFG base game is roughly equivalent to the Eon base game plus Expansion sets 1 through 4. Same number of aliens (50 in either case), although it's a somewhat different mix ... but base + 1 2 3 4 is a pretty close approximation. FFG does not have Lucre, Lucre powers, moons, Kickers, or a few of the later Eon edicts, but it does add new aliens never before printed and a new optional mechanic called Technology. Kickers and 20 more aliens (plus some other new stuff) will appear in the Incursion expansion, which should come out in a week or two.

I'm an Eon purist from days of old. Didn't like the West End, Mayfair, or Avalon Hill editions, but I am very pleased with the FFG version. Get it; you won't be sorry.

Yup this is a great game, easy to teach and fun to play! A must have!

Plem45 said:

How close is this to the original? I have very fond memories and am thinking about buying this one.

Extremely. I've retired my old Eon+9 edition in favor of this one. The production quality is great (typical for FFG).

There's no lucre or moons (yet), but I really don't miss those. Techs are new and add more variability and decisions (ships are temporarily unavailable while researching). The reward cards in Incursion add even more interesting game play.

Highly recommended.