Flying a ship into squadrons

By Intys Rule, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I know the RRG on Overlapping but one of the guys just came up with this while discussing a Rhymer ball setup.

What happens if a ship flies into squadrons in formation, displaces a number of squadrons, but lands in such a way that there is no way to put a squadron down that is on base contact with the ship but is not overlapping another squadron? RRG on Overlapping p8 says that squadrons may not be placed so that it would overlap another squadron or ship, but it also says overlapped squadrons must be placed in base contact (touch) of the activated ship.

Do you move the other squadrons aside to make way for the displaced squadrons?

Do you place the displaced squadrons as close to the ship as possible even if it means they end up OUTSIDE of the "ball"?

If I had to make this judgement call I'd probably go with your second option and place the displaced squadrons as close to the ship as possible even if it means they end up OUTSIDE of the "ball."

I can't really find a clear rules basis for that, it just seems the most logical to me.

I am not sure there is a setup that can cause that. . . how many squadrons can a medium ship run into I wonder. . . I will have to test this out. . . The only time I think this will occur is if ships are all super close to each other. . .

If the player maxxes out his squadron allocation, or maybe have one player's squadron be engaged with the other player, then you end up with a great big ball.

True, it'll take very precise positioning to make this situation happen, but I can see it happening especially once we go up to 400 points.

Possibly but less than you think. To get a ball that size a medium ship would miss many of them.

Thankfully, the topic for discussion isn't the possibility of it happening but rather what to do when it happens.

Currently I have no idea really.

In order to even pose the concept to FFG we would have to test it