New Player Looking for Group

By Snerded, in Black Crusade

Hello everyone!

I've been playing Deathwatch for a while and want to see how the "other side" other words, it's time to fight against the Corpse God; yea, screw that guy!

While you should know that I am new to the Black Crusade system, I've played enough DW to learn the rules and I am comfortable with the 40k Lore - and what I don't know, I'm not afraid to ask/find out about on Lexicanum. I also have a copy of the Black Crusade Core Book and the Errata - but nothing else.

I'm looking for a weekly game using skype and roll20 - I don't have video -- on the weekends. I live in the Eastern time zone of the USA and have pretty open availability on Saturdays and Sundays. I'm open to joining an in-progress game or one that is starting from scratch.

Please let me know if you'd like me to join your group by posting below or email me directly at: [email protected]