Core rulebook release

By ColonelCommissar, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

So according to FFG's website the Core Book is now out, but UK retailers are still listing it as a pre-order. Have they not arrived yet? When the Beginner Box came out I got it very quickly but Wayland Games says it won't ship for another 26 days. Does anyone know of any retailers that have got copies and can ship without me waiting a month?

I'm currently in the same boat. Gameslore still lists Preorder and I haven't had any dispatch notification yet.

none of the stores in my city have the book available, one of the clerks even said "all our warehouses say they are sold out of that item!" so for me all I can say is "wow" who is buying all these books?!?! and do any of you live in the Boise Idaho area? but I haz a secret weapon.


come closer....



i have the beta book


Casts the Asmodee section of the Gencon in-flight report into stark relief doesn't it?

It's usually a couple of weeks before any given book hits Europe. And even longer in my particular corner.

I have it on pre-order and I can hardly wait. For the majority of my group, it'll be the first time they've created their own characters - most of them have been using pre-gens from the beginner boxes for ages.

Paper heroes in Lake Charles La. has it and he has a ebay store you might want to contact him and see if he will ship over seas? I got mine their (its my FLGS) lsat week.

Whoa, another person from Louisiana. I've been to Paper Heroes, it doesn't surprise me that it has FaD in stock.

Gameslore in the UK now has it listed as New Release along with the GM Kit.

I've not yet had my dispatch notification, though.

Could you let me know when you get your dispatch. I was going to get some players together in a couple of weeks to play through the Beginner Game and book adventures and it'd be useful to know whether to cancel.

Sure thing

Just been on the phone to Games Lore (UK). I have a memory like a faulty sieve when it comes to numbers, but if I remember rightly he said they have around 36 copies coming in at 4pm today and 31 pre-orders so far. Best get yer skates on, as we Yorkshire folk say.

Ee a fellow Yorkshire lad (lass?). How do? :P

Ee a fellow Yorkshire lad (lass?). How do? :P

Ey up, cockerspadge! Am not bad, ta. How's tha fairin'?

Which is thy neck-o-the-woods?

(Trying to type that lot on with predictive text was a right laugh.)

I'm in Hull (not proud if it, mind). Yerself?

Mention Hull: the best way to kill a conversation stone dead :D

I'm in Hull (not proud if it, mind). Yerself?

I'm in Huddersfield. Hull's not that bad, is it? Formerly John Godber country (till Wakefield nicked him!).

Darn. Not close enough for Gamage then. Shame as I haven't been a player in an rpg for over 10 years!

Nah, Hull's not that bad though it has its moments. City of culture 2017 though? Don't make me laugh :) has it in stock. Just ordered it from them, plus free shipping :D Great if you live in Australia :)

Just had my dispatch notification from Gameslore in the UK for both the Core and GM kit!

I've just ordered a copy from Gameslore as well - it didn't say "out of stock" so I guess I'll have to see if I get a dispatch message or not within the next few days.

I've got my dispatch too! It begins...

I ordered mine at 9am yesterday morning, but alas no dispatch today :(

I received an email yesterday from Leisure Games confirming shipment to Portugal.

Gameslore copy arrived this morning, very impressed. Keep the faith, guys! :)