Worth it?

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

I've picked up about everything but this box and the FaD one. I have no need to go over the rules again, so he only thing of value would be the storybooks and the dice (of which I have 3 sets already). So what are the recommendations? Should I eventually spring for the two beginner games or not?

well I bought all Beginner Boxes, I think they are worth it, one Dice set is about half of the asking price and since you need 2 more red dice, you could always use more dice...

The Adventure is good, it comes with a big map and Tokens you can use for other adventures as well. The Age of Rebellion Box + Online Adventure is almost a Campaign you can flesh out and run for multiple sessions...

The map and adventure is very usable. Having a map of a generic imperial base can be very handy. I've used in several times for whenever I need a quick building or bunker for my adventures.

I've made good use of all of them so far. Between the box set and the PDF add-ons, they're a pretty good deal with decent stories.