Anyone have the finalized talent/Force power trees? Any changes from the final Beta update?
Talent Trees
I'm waiting for Doc, The Weasel to update his sheets . He does a fantastic job on his sheets.
Yep! Begging for XP is the way to go if you don't want to break the spine and photocopy it yourself...
Yeah, comon Doc - you've had a whole weekend now! Get on the ball, man!
Yeah, comon Doc - you've had a whole weekend now! Get on the ball, man!
It's still with UPS, so you'll have to wait ... unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest, or teleport it off that truck.
It's still with UPS, so you'll have to wait ... unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest, or teleport it off that truck.
Clearly you used the wrong shipping company. . . .
( subtitle: Tardis Express: when it absolutely, positively has to be there before you mailed it )
Edited by Desslok
Go FedEx Power. They just updated my delivery date from next Monday to tomorrow. Even as we speak my tomb of knowledge is in a nearby suburb circling the city.
Go FedEx Power. They just updated my delivery date from next Monday to tomorrow. Even as we speak my tomb of knowledge is in a nearby suburb circling the city.
Unfortunately for you I find that tombs of knowledge tend to be written in Sanskrit or Sumerian. Also, reading the wrong passages can summon ancient Babylonian gods instead of creating a character.
Yeah, tombs can be terrible, but they do contain a lot of lost lore in tomes.. which I really really like!
Yeah, comon Doc - you've had a whole weekend now! Get on the ball, man!
It's still with UPS, so you'll have to wait ... unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest, or teleport it off that truck.
I'm a huge fan of your pdfs. I use them for reference all the time.
On Force Power Trees, I started marking the upgrades that could be activated multiple times, to have a visual on the tree. Saves you from referencing back to the book. I submitted this in the F&D Beta, but apparently got ignored.
Any chance you could integrate that sort of thing on your sheets?
On Force Power Trees, I started marking the upgrades that could be activated multiple times, to have a visual on the tree. Saves you from referencing back to the book. I submitted this in the F&D Beta, but apparently got ignored.
Any chance you could integrate that sort of thing on your sheets?
That's not a bad idea. Not for this first run – I want to get those out quickly so people can start using them – but it sounds like a good idea for a future version. I already have to deal with the "earns conflict" markings.
On Force Power Trees, I started marking the upgrades that could be activated multiple times, to have a visual on the tree. Saves you from referencing back to the book. I submitted this in the F&D Beta, but apparently got ignored.
Any chance you could integrate that sort of thing on your sheets?
That's not a bad idea. Not for this first run – I want to get those out quickly so people can start using them – but it sounds like a good idea for a future version. I already have to deal with the "earns conflict" markings.
Yeah, I was a little annoyed that Earns Conflict got a new icon (for 1 talent in the whole book, I'm sure it's future-proofing), but my suggestion got ignored.
Cant wait for the force and destiny talent sheets the other ones are great
I'm aiming for Monday, folks.
We have waited what, 3 years for this book? I think we can wait a little while longer for player aides.
Keep up the great work, Doc!
We have waited what, 3 years for this book? I think we can wait a little while longer for player aides.
Keep up the great work, Doc!
No... no we cant...
Depending on where you are on the globe, it's Monday! So where are my sheets!!!
I fed them to a Sarlacc to create a new sport. Sarlacc Diving.
“PATIENCE YOU MUST HAVE my youngDepending on where you are on the globe, it's Monday! So where are my sheets!!!
– Yoda
Rest now, my son, your long fight is over....
....until Keeping the Peace comes out.