roll20 and ffg dice

By oriondean, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

can the roll20 website handle the ffg dice with their lack of numbers and all those weird symbols? I have been thinking for some time about putting together a campaign on roll20 since I can't find players in Boise Idaho.

Edited by oriondean

If you use Google Hangouts for the video chat, you can activate Roll20 and EotE Dice Roller as apps inside the Hangout.

The Dice roller shows results to everyone, it keeps track of Destiny Points. Our group has used this combo for a while to good effect.

Pro tip: if you click on the die icon, it will reset the number back to 0 for that die.

I remember a while ago reading that some folks were having issues with EotE roller. The statistics weren't right or something? Anyone have an update on that?

If you're a paying Roll20 subscriber, you can use EotE dice within Roll20 just fine (through the character sheet), with no need for Hangouts. Otherwise, as dougansf said, Hangouts is your best bet.

Edited by dfn

To further elaborate, for roll20 you have to install the EotE API script. This enables the use of character sheets and the die roller embedded in the character sheet. The API script can be found through the forums.

I don't see this EotE dice roller. Are you guys talking about the dice app? I don't have an android phone or an Iphone. Is this what Tremayne was talking about when he said "the die roller embedded in the character sheet."?

Edited by oriondean

I don't see this EotE dice roller. Are you guys talking about the dice app? I don't have an android phone or an Iphone. Is this what Tremayne was talking about when he said "the die roller embedded in the character sheet."?

Try this:

In the bottom right corner, there is a link to try in Google Hangouts.

Someone else will have to speak about the dice inside a character sheet.

There are two EotE-Sheets in Roll20. I use the full sheet, but the GM needs to be able to use API scripts (which means being a paying member) for that. The script allows rolling and display of the special dice.

I do not know how the simple sheet works, but you can easily test it yourself by setting up a campaign using it.

Thanks a bunch guys!

Using the API script found here , with a mentor subscription you can use the dice directly in Roll20. You copy the script over to your game's API script set (it's in the campaign options menu) and that's about it. Dice in game. Using the API enabled character sheets (also an option in the Campaign options menu) allows you to roll simply by inputting difficulty dice into the character sheet and hitting a roll button. Skill and weapon checks will even announce themselves.



I am a Pro member on roll20, and I am wondering if anyone could go into a bit more detail on how to load an API script on roll20, willing to take the conversation to Skype of any other type of communication if needed. Recently got into this system and looking to run it on roll20.

I guess I will go a step farther, are there any people playing a Star Wars game on twitch? Would love to watch a live game myself.

Edited by Thenger
I am a Pro member on roll20, and I am wondering if anyone could go into a bit more detail on how to load an API script on roll20, willing to take the conversation to Skype of any other type of communication if needed. Recently got into this system and looking to run it on roll20.

I can give a short introduction. You click on "Create New Game". Name and tag your campaign as usual. Chose the "Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (API-compatible) character sheet from the drop down menu. In the instructions of the sheet you will find a link pointing you to the latest version of the API script. Open a new window/tab, follow the link to GitHub and click on EotE-Dice.js. Copy the whole script (right now that is 3326 lines, but that might change when the script is updated). Now create the campaign on Roll20. You will enter the campaign after that, but just leave it again and get back to your overall Roll20 page, go to the page for your new campaign. Under "Settings" you will find "API Scripts", click it. Copy the script from GitHub into the field, name the Script EotE-Dice.js and click "Save Script".

Now you can join the game and test the dice roller.

Edited by Franigo


The link you posted seems to be broken. The link I have for the latest script is:

Found this on the post on the roll20 site:

If there is an active post, please let me know, and thank you.

Edited by Thenger

The link you posted seems to be broken. The link I have for the latest script is:

Not broken, the link just leads to a page containing the most up-to-date link. Follow the link on that page to get the latest version of the API script.

Anyone have a roll20 script for destiny token tracking?

the above links to die roller does destiny point tracking as well

The link you posted seems to be broken. The link I have for the latest script is:

Not broken, the link just leads to a page containing the most up-to-date link. Follow the link on that page to get the latest version of the API script.

Reading is hard....

the above links to die roller does destiny point tracking as well

Thanks, but where is it located? Can't find it anywhere.

the above links to die roller does destiny point tracking as well

Thanks, but where is it located? Can't find it anywhere.

This one tracks Dpoints and dice rolls in hangouts:

I don't see this EotE dice roller. Are you guys talking about the dice app? I don't have an android phone or an Iphone. Is this what Tremayne was talking about when he said "the die roller embedded in the character sheet."?

Try this:

In the bottom right corner, there is a link to try in Google Hangouts.

Someone else will have to speak about the dice inside a character sheet.

I meant, where is it at in roll20. I have been using the API for about a year now, just can't find the destiny tracker in the program.