Summer Kit Tourney in Seattle, WA - Aug 9th

By lloydraphah, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Here's the rundown:

Meeples Games in West Seattle
3727 California Ave SW 2b (upstairs)
Seattle, WA 98116

Sunday, August 9th
Tournament starts at 11:00 AM (please show up 10-15 minutes prior so we can start promptly at 11)
We will be playing 3 120 minute rounds at 300 points, as per the FFG tournament rules. We should be done by 5:30PM at the very latest, but previous tournaments have been done much sooner.

Cost & Prizes:
$10 entry fee, summer tournament kit prizes!
- TIE Fighter Pilot medal for the winner!
- Alternate art Assault Frigate Mark II A cards for top 2!
- Acrylic Navigate tokens and Imperial-themed dice bags for top 4!
- Alternate art TIE Fighter Squadron card for EVERYONE!

Come hang out, grab a beer (it's ok to drink at 11AM if you're playing with spaceships), have some fun, and blast some Rebel and/or Imperial scum!

Any questions or comments? Leave em below!

Tomorrow! New player, old player, player who needs to borrow stuff, you are all welcome! Come blast some spaceships!