For fans of my original creations for Arkham Horror, I am working on Eldritch Horror variations of these same investigators!
I don't know how many of you have used these guys and gals, but with just over 500 downloads on BGG, I thought I would see if any of you would mind looking over the EH variations I have in their current iterations before I take them to playtesting. The only reason why I am posting this in the Arkham forum and not JUST the Eldritch forum is because I think there might be an element of insight that my fellow Arkham players (who also have knowledge of how Eldritch works) have.
I'm excited to get this process rolling so I will leave these here and hopefully I will hear from some of you.
For comparison purposes, you can see the original Arkham versions of these investigators in my gallery here or just follow the link in my signature.
And without further ado: