All tournaments are at Patriot Games in Sheffield. As always, here they are:
UFS October 2009
Saturday 10th October, 11:00
Standard Format
Join us for our October standard format event! Build a deck from tournament-legal five point shuriken cards and prove your superiority! Prizes consist of exclusive promotional cards only available in official tournaments. New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.
Team Nationals Practice
Wednesday 14th October, 19:00
Standard Team format
Join us for our October standard team format event! Build a deck from tournament-legal five point shuriken cards and enter with two team-mates to prove your superiority! No two team members may play as the same named character, and no more than eight total copies of any card may be included in decks and sideboards across the entire team. Prizes consist of exclusive promotional cards only available in official tournaments. New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.
UFS October 2009 (PM)
Wednesday 21st October, 19:00
Standard Format
Join us for our October standard format evening event! Build a deck from tournament-legal five point shuriken cards and prove your superiority! Prizes consist of exclusive promotional cards only available in official tournaments. New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.
UFS Halloween Special
Sunday 25th October, 11:00
Halloween Format
Join us for our October Halloween event! Build a deck from tournament-legal legacy format shuriken cards and prove your superiority! All cards in decks must feature characters from Darkstalkers on the artwork, feature Blanka, Cervantes, Lizardman, Basara, Revenant, Astaroth, Nightmare or Night Terror on the artwork, or feature Dan on the artwork (given a choice between facing a horned Demon or facing a horny Dan, I'd take the demon any day.....). Prizes consist of exclusive promotional cards only available in official tournaments. New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.
If you have any questions, please post here or PM me on the SQC or FFG forums.