Sheffield October events

By Speedsta, in UFS Uk Forum

All tournaments are at Patriot Games in Sheffield. As always, here they are:

UFS October 2009
Saturday 10th October, 11:00
Standard Format

Join us for our October standard format event! Build a deck from tournament-legal five point shuriken cards and prove your superiority! Prizes consist of exclusive promotional cards only available in official tournaments. New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.

Team Nationals Practice
Wednesday 14th October, 19:00
Standard Team format

Join us for our October standard team format event! Build a deck from tournament-legal five point shuriken cards and enter with two team-mates to prove your superiority! No two team members may play as the same named character, and no more than eight total copies of any card may be included in decks and sideboards across the entire team. Prizes consist of exclusive promotional cards only available in official tournaments. New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.

UFS October 2009 (PM)
Wednesday 21st October, 19:00
Standard Format

Join us for our October standard format evening event! Build a deck from tournament-legal five point shuriken cards and prove your superiority! Prizes consist of exclusive promotional cards only available in official tournaments. New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.

UFS Halloween Special
Sunday 25th October, 11:00
Halloween Format

Join us for our October Halloween event! Build a deck from tournament-legal legacy format shuriken cards and prove your superiority! All cards in decks must feature characters from Darkstalkers on the artwork, feature Blanka, Cervantes, Lizardman, Basara, Revenant, Astaroth, Nightmare or Night Terror on the artwork, or feature Dan on the artwork (given a choice between facing a horned Demon or facing a horny Dan, I'd take the demon any day.....). Prizes consist of exclusive promotional cards only available in official tournaments. New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.

If you have any questions, please post here or PM me on the SQC or FFG forums.

sounds like a cool format, contemplation and bat spin are made of win, it is going to be cool using them again

There is no Chief Hold to go with my Lilith which makes Ross a sad panda :(

Ross i thought you said you weren't going to make another format where i can use bat spins gran_risa.gif , you do still have dragon cannon though, which makes Michael a sad panda. llorando.gif the way, Bat Spin will be banned for this tournament.

.....kidding :P


im tempted to buy a box of dalkstalkers 1 lol, i want to play donovan 1dot, he was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo very very gay. but morigan is also tempting but my deck will be ****

makes me miss the days of contemplation though XD

You want to buy a rotated box for just one tournament?!?!?

...well, I'm certainly not going to stop you, as it happens Jim has some Fight Night kits which I think contain Darkstalkers boxes and much sought-after Stand Offs, he'll probably let them go for a reasonable price?

Speedsta said:

You want to buy a rotated box for just one tournament?!?!?

...well, I'm certainly not going to stop you, as it happens Jim has some Fight Night kits which I think contain Darkstalkers boxes and much sought-after Stand Offs, he'll probably let them go for a reasonable price?

Ross, you do realise that, Karuso is Nathan and thus he probably would buy a box of Darkstalkers (which would then give him an excuse not to go to Team Nats), even though i told him, he can lend the stuff off of me.

i think everyone knows that i would buy a box of darkstalkers it has contemplation in it and morrigan gran_risa.gif

Benihime said:

Ross, you do realise that, Karuso is Nathan and thus he probably would buy a box of Darkstalkers (which would then give him an excuse not to go to Team Nats), even though i told him, he can lend the stuff off of me.

I was about 80% sure it was him, I was trying to bait out a response to confirm it...... gran_risa.gif

Speedsta said:

Benihime said:

Ross, you do realise that, Karuso is Nathan and thus he probably would buy a box of Darkstalkers (which would then give him an excuse not to go to Team Nats), even though i told him, he can lend the stuff off of me.

I was about 80% sure it was him, I was trying to bait out a response to confirm it...... gran_risa.gif

What? You didn't know who Karuso was?

It's YI SHAN! lengua.gif

Hewittzil said:

It's YI SHAN! lengua.gif

........... ¬_¬


......multiple enhance


<feels better> :)

die matt, i am not Yi Shan. if i was then i would be handcuffed to a bed in phil's house

karuso said:

die matt, i am not Yi Shan. if i was then i would be handcuffed to a bed in phil's house

YOU WISH gran_risa.gif

no in my dreams are morrigan, in my nightmares are ross but he seems to give me more pleasure sad.gif

that made no sense lol. i am getting messed up by this flu :'(

karuso said:

that made no sense lol. i am getting messed up by this flu :'(

I think Nathan's trying to say that that in Nathan's dreams, Nathan is dressed up as Yi Shan while tied to a bed in Phil's house with Morrigan (don't know what Morrigan is doing there, maybe she's making tea?).

In Nathan's nightmares it appears that Ross is pleasuring Nathan.

Hope this clears things up, Mr.Michael.

doesn't Ross pleasure everyone?

Thank you all so much for your contributions to this thread, it's really nice to know that there are those who work tirelessly to ensure that the good work I do for UFS will eternally be counterbalanced by those who take pleasure in portraying me as a sex-starved pervert, especially on weekends when I have no internet access to defend myself. gran_risa.gif

P.S. Come to the Sheffield tournaments everyone, they're suitable for children of all ages gran_risa.gif

Edit, P.P.S: I have no idea why Morrigan is in the dream either. Given Nathan's tastes, maybe it's Phil cosplaying?

THE HORROR!!!!! i would never let Phil cosplay Morrigan, Morrigan is wayyyyyyyyyyy hotter than Phil is :P

With cosplay, you can have the best of both :)

ermmmmmmm no thank you. i would rather just have Morrigan. you may do as you please with Phil

Speedsta said:

...those who take pleasure in portraying me as a sex-starved pervert, especially on weekends when I have no internet access to defend myself. gran_risa.gif

Realising you have a problem is the first step to recovery.

Hewittzil said:

English Dictionary said:

prob·lem (prob'l?m)

1. A question to be considered, solved, or answered.

2.A situation, matter, or person that presents perplexity or difficulty.

3. A misgiving, objection, or complaint.

1. I consider feel that the Matt issue needs solving and/or answering

2. Matt is presenting me with perplexity and difficulty

3. I have misgivings, objections and complaints about Matt's post.

My current problem is Matt gran_risa.gif