For starters i need to share the party rolled death cult for complications(again) and i thought that due to thier recent "luck" fighting of chaos fleets 3-4 times it would be kinda cool if they started dealing with the taint sreading throughout their ship and eventually their fleet.
For setting it up they will eventually be able to track the spread of the taint back to a lower deck officer who also happens to be a leader of whats now a splinter faction of the deathcult. He decided to keep a sword trophy from one of the boarding actions and its corrupted him. His eventual goal is to shut the gellar field off mid warp to sacrifice the whole ship "In Nominae Imperator"-really a chaos deamon whispering in his sleep
My question for you good folks is this "Any suggestions on how i can hint and slowly build this heresy up to something they must deal with?"
Ive already been taking extra crew pop off and random drops in population and ive been reporting lower officers in charge of random stuff missing for the day. But how can i turn up the heat without bringing in the inquisition just yet? I will bring the inquistorial hammer down if they ignore the signs long enough but i cant figure a step between random missing reports and being under investigation because they keep leaving little heretic cells all over the void.
P.S. This cell has been subtly working for 1-2years in game.