Everything thus Far (Videos, Announcements, Info)

By wlybrand, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

The Original Announcement at GenCon from FFG's InFlight Report


FFG's Official Video with a Preview & Interviews


BoardGameGeekTV Walkthrough with Anton Torres (FFG) at GenCon

http://livestream.com/boardgamegeektv/gencon2015-day2 - Starts at 06:39:00

And of course, the announcement on FFG's site with the product page description


https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/warhammer-quest-the-adventure-card-game/ - Click 'Read More' to expand

I figured the results of my borderline obsessive search for information on this might be of interest to others.

Update - 8/12/15

Youtuber MarcoWargamer interviews Anton Torres (FFG) at GenCon with more info on the game


Drive Thru Review gets the scoop from the designer during demos at GenCon


Roll for Crit does a quick discussion on the demo played during GenCon


Edited by wlybrand

Thank you.

Sure there will be more to see around the corner.

Now it would be great if we could focus on what matters here instead of the intramural stuff.

Then again, where is there ever room for the pragmatists. :rolleyes:

Thanks Horseman.

I have updated the main thread with three new videos I found earlier today.

Edited by wlybrand