Really successful Rogue Traders

By SJE, in Rogue Trader

Clearly while the Venetian merchant-adventurer is an inspiration for Rogue Trader, this would be an example of a really successful Rogue Trader dynasty or concern-

Since they effectively-

Bribe local rulers for trade monopolies
Conquer India
Spark the American revolution
Cause a famine
Start the first Afghan war
Corrupt China with illegal opiuma and start the Opium Wars

All for PROFIT!

Running a Rogue Trader campaign based on the East India company would work really well- first contact with a Murghal-like confederation of worlds out in the Expanse. Perhaps they are like proto-Tau or Exodite Eldar-human-like aliens but backward and caste and clan driven. The local ruler is open minded and corruptable- selling them trading concessions in return for Imperial luxuries and rarities. The proto-Tau/ Murgals have some useful resource or luxury the Imperium loves - the most delicious Amasec perhaps whose drinking has a botox-like effect on lines and wrinkles? Not a true anti-agathic but one that gives the appearence of youth? And vice-versa, does some human staple like recaff or corpse-starch give addictingly powerful highs to the xenos who samples it?

So with an alien people you can keep all the racism and 'white-mans burden' to improve/exploit the proto-Tau. And while the 40Kverse doesnt really do miscegenation (Genestealers excepted), perhaps the more adventurous Rogue Traders discover they have half-human offspring- increased and prolonged Imperial contact creating an analogue to the Eurasians of India and the Far East in the 17-19th centuries.

Of course, with increasing social and economic Imperial power comes reaction from traditional forces- rebellion and attacks that the RT's must suppress. Is now the time they take the crown?

Then, when the Traders have had some success and established themselves, you throw in a new conflict- Adminstratum functionaries arriving to take the Imperiums share and regulate the RT's. Missionaries arriving to educate the populace to the glories of the Emperor and disapproving of the drug taking or exploitation of the natives, or perhaps condeming and leading witch hunts against the half-human caste.

Throw in rival Rogue traders competing, Ork Pirates and the ever present threat of internal betrayal or guilty conscience and you could have a campaign to last years.



The Amarathine Syndicate from Disciples of the Dark Gods was practically made to fill this role. Excellent bit of research and inspiration btw, pat yourself on the back. Probably the best RT inspirational material I've seen.

Locque said:

The Amarathine Syndicate from Disciples of the Dark Gods was practically made to fill this role. Excellent bit of research and inspiration btw, pat yourself on the back. Probably the best RT inspirational material I've seen.

Agreed. It's stunning work!

The Eastern Fringe Company...Like it :)

I was describing RT to a lot of people as "The Dutch East India Company.....IN SPAAACE!!!" for ages.

The Eastern Fringe Trading Company

A Rogue Trader Campaign


Inspired by the East India Company, this is a Rogue Trader campaign about one or more allied Rogue Traders forming a mercantile concern after receiving an Warrant of Trade from Ultramar to found the Imperial Eastern Fringe Company. They have the power to explore, sign treaties, conquer and land in order to trade with and garner the natural resources and services of the xenos and near-human worlds outside of the Imperium in the Ultima Segmentum. It’s a game about merchant adventurers, the corrosive power of profit, racism, the ‘white mans burden’ and exploitation of natives.

It can be set in the 35th Millennium, should you wish to actually use the Tau (for the artwork or background) since the Imperium isn’t substantially different and the absence of Tyranids (and their lack of trading opportunities) is if anything, a bonus. I’d probably run it as one adventure every 5 game years with substantial downtime to cement the initial break throughs, trade deals or conquests made in play and to highlight the dynastic and world changing influences the Rogue traders will have on the worlds they visit.

Trade Goods

-Salva: this organic sap is usually transported in liquid form. It can be used as either dried crystals (similar to salt) or liquid form- it is a taste enhancer- increasing the sensitivity and receptivity of the human taste buds and enhancing and distinguishing the dominant tastes. So if you sprinkle it on your corpse-starch burger then it taste meatier and juicier – almost better than real meat patty without salva. As a liquid, it quickly takes and enhances the taste of anything mixed with it, magnifying the flavours. For the perfect rich coffee for example, you take a small cup of espresso and mix it in with a large jug of salva and instantly you have a jug of the best tasting coffee that you and friends have ever tasted. Produced by the Murgals. An analogue to tea

- Wraithbone- this comes in 3 varieties. Fixed Transparent wraithbone is the ultimate star ship or hive window- nearly unbreakable and perfectly clear. Fixed opaque wraithbone comes shaped in sheets and planks, and sometimes formed into entire compartments. Again light and unbreakable it is said to keep out the foulness of the warp which makes it ideal for star ships and Inquisitorial facilities and the more pious citizens. The final form- unfixed, raw wraithbone comes in small white cubes. An easy test for psychic ability is to ask a person to hold it for one minute and look at it. In the hand of a normal, nothing happens. In the hand of the psyker, the psychoreactive substance bubbles and warps harmlessly. Produced by the Eth-Eann Exodites.

- Farcosia- an LSD like addictive drug. See “Purge the Unclean”. Highly addictive to Exodite Eldar but can bring out their darker and more decadent urges. Its was invented by humans. It is illegal within Ultramar, but could be manufactured in Murgal quite easily. An analogue to Opium


The Murgal System –A landlocked planet with 10% water it is dominated by the caste and clan divided proto-Tau. A primitive xenos race, the greatest empire is that of the Murgal around the southern pole. The High Shah and his Rani are open minded and decadent and will sell trading concessions in return for Imperial luxuries. The proto-Tau while technologically mediaeval are an industrious and inquisitive lot who could master modern weaponry and manufacturing once educated in it. The Murgal produce chromatic dyes, salva, and silk. An analogue to India. One interesting option would be to allow proto-Tau and humans to be able to cross-breed.

The Eth-Eann Exodite world- inhabited by backward Eldar Exodites who have largely forgotten the Eldar Empire and their craftworld cousins is the highly populated and organised Empire of the Eth-Eann. The entire world is ruled by the Star Emperor in his Hidden City, but administered by provincial Mandarins. By the Celestial order of the Star Emperor, trade with outsiders is forbidden except at a single port for foreigners- and then only food and other perishable supplies may be sold. The people don’t have advanced weapons but do have dragon knights and can learn martial arts based on debased Eldar warrior Aspects like the Way of the Scorpion, Dragon, Hawk etc. They produce the unbreakable wraithbone as a construction material and which can produce sharp, albeit primitive swords and unbreakable armour. An analogue to Qing-era China

Ultramar- the Realm of the Ultramarines, it is a prosperous, advanced human state within the Imperium. It is the imperial bulwark in the Eastern Fringes. While a great and powerful military power its rules and regulations have a moral bent that may be slightly stifling to an exploitative Rogue trader. Still, if you need the backup of the Ultramar fleet, then you have to suffer their bureaucracy and ethics clauses. And their people are rich enough to support and demand foreign luxuries and rarities. An analogue to Britain.

Trading links-

Initially the Traders will find it easier to trade with the Murgals and bring back salva to the markets of Ultramar in return for Imperial tech and rarities. As an organic sap it is greenlighted by the Inquisition as safe for human consumption. If the supply of salva becomes threatened by perennial squabbling between rival shahs of the Tau or by rival trading concerns, then the Eastern Fringe Company may need to secure its supplies by annexation of the plantations- either under the aegis of the High Shah or by usurping him.

The Eth-Eann are a trickier and more mysterious people. Profitable trade with them will be impossible until the emperor is replaced (perhaps by sending in the gunboats to level the Hidden City) or by corrupting a provincial mandarin and his people with farcosia in return for the rare and expensive wraithbone. However, continual exposure and mass use of farcosia will turn the regimented and ordered exodite people towards the darker paths of the Eldar as they re-enact their Tragedy once more….


A rival company or Rogue Trader tries to beat the Company at their own game and petitions the Administratum of Ultramar for their own Warrant of Trade with the Murgals. With more investment, faster frigates and more opulent bribes to the Murgals, how will the established Eastern Fringe Company respond?

The northern proto-Tau, worried about the growing power of the Southern High Shah band together to attack the Murgal empire. Will the the Rogue traders arm their allies, make a deal with Ultramar for Guard or Marine assistance or use their ships guns to devastate the North and their salva plantations?

Missionaries imported by the Company are found to be in league with Khornate chaos cults. They have corrupted the previously innocent (or at least atheistic) Tau and now roaming bands of murder-cults threaten travellers and Imperial officials. (analogue to the Thuggees)

Ork Pirates begin targeting the rich cargo freighters between Murgal, Eth-Eann and Ultramar and profits take a nose dive. If the Fleet or Marines are called in, they may begin inspections and discover the farcosia trade.

Eldar Harlequins check up on the Hidden City and perform for the people of the Eth-Eann. They are not amused to find human drug dealers looting the planet for wraithbone. They may assassinate the Rogue traders or call in the Swordwind of the Bien-Tal if matters escalate!

Adminstratum officials turn up and begin inspecting the proto-empire of the Eastern Fringe Company – apparently the Ultramar Senate is debating nationalising it since their Fleet and troops are often called to protect it and there have been allegations of bad stewardship and cruel exploitation of the natives. Can the Rogue Traders deal with a political crisis back home and discover who is behind it? The Inquisition? Rivals? The Ultramarines?

I'd suggest making the Murghals somewhat like the Asari from Mass Effect. The Asari are asexual and bond their neural systems together to mate. The Murghals could do this to with the exception that mating with the humans give them an intense rush. In response to this the Rogue Trader might sell human slaves to them for more access to their markets. Just wait until the Imperium finds out... demonio.gif

I think the Medicis are a better example of a noble family than a Rogue Trader dynasty- they were more concerned with garnering power within their homeland than visiting distant shores.


SJE said:

Since they effectively-

Bribe local rulers for trade monopolies
Conquer India
Spark the American revolution
Cause a famine
Start the first Afghan war
Corrupt China with illegal opiuma and start the Opium Wars

All for PROFIT!

The East India Trading Company


You are right.

the East Indian trade company, is perhaps the best example of historic Rogue Trader, in fact I get a book on it, studying and using it for my game happy.gif

Beside I mixed Medici with another trading house, I will return to that later, the name eludes me right now.

I am going to have to remember this, all of it, for when I get my copy of Rogue Trader (stupid Amazon.) Not only will I use this as a potential rival for my PCs but I see other uses for such a wonderful example of unrestrained and state-subsidized greed.

and here is a link to a not so successful Rogue Trader.

At least it gives insight to what can happen if a Rogue Trader don`t manage to take care of its charter.

Your East Indian Trading link to Wikipedia, opens a new media for finding all sorts of examples of Chartered companies. I found the German East Africa Company from a link in Wikipedia. Again what a great source.

Might use your stuff in my campaign, if thats allright happy.gif

First off, SJE - well done - an excellent analogy to a Rogue Trader "company".

However, the most successful "Rogue Trader" in our world's history was arguably the one and only Sir Francis Drake . Read the link - he was Rogue's rogue. gran_risa.gif


I'd certainly agree that Drake is a great Rogue Trader. The only distinction I'd draw would be that Drake is an excellent example of an individual Rogue Trader whilst the East India company is a better representative of a RT Dynasty.

I'm hoping that the new game, while clearly aimed at the individual Rogue Traders exploits (the Drake model) might also be adapted in the future to model Dynasties in a similar manner to Pendragon or Ars Magica for longer term games with generational impacts.


Finally, the half-dozen 20 and 40 page papers I wrote about the HEIC for economics classes will come in handy.

Mal Reynolds said:

lets no forget House of Medici.

that could be another historical inspiration to sucessfull Rogue Traders:

By the by in w40k cannon,the Medici family are the current ruling navigator family.

As this is an historical thread, I thought I might mention a great book I just read: "Empires of the sea." I don't have the author's name on me, 'cos I'm in Bangkok.

It's all about the battles between Islam and Christianity in the Mediterranean that took place in the 1500s. The whole era was totally unknown to me, but it's a really gripping read. Lots of stuff about Corsairs and Mediterranean piracy. All good fodder for RT ideas.

I think I may love you SJE, these ideas are brilliant, I hope you don't mind if I borrow a couple of them for when I start my RT games.

Mal & Dartneis, feel free to use wholesale- glad someone will get some use out of my random thoughts.

As a small aside, for those who have read James Clavells novel Tai Pan (or the movie) which is about the Opium Wars and foundation of Hong Kong (note for all Rogue Traders - when you force an alien government to cede you land for a colony in perpetuity, make sure its got enough water and living space to cope with success beyond your wildest dreams or you will have to give it back in 155 years), the Rogue Traderish company of Struans is based off a real company and history called Jardine Matheson whose shares you can easily buy in the UK.

So I might have to invest in a real life Rogue Trader (albeit now mostly legitimate one)!


I am under the impression that if a Xenos world is contacted, the only reason the RT would NOT exterminate them in the name of the Emperor is if that race was needed to secure a profit AND that race was not tainted by chaos in any manner.

For example, if the world in question is the source of a rare elixer only produced by the indigenious Xenos, they are allowed to survive, protected by the RT and even nurtured by the RT, so long as the profits continue to flow.

However, if the world in question is the source of precious metals which can be harvested by the RT vessel, and the Xenos are not needed and can easily and cheaply be exterminated, then they are exterminated.

I imagine that anything which adversely affects the bottom line would be avoided. If wiping out a Xenos race is going to cost a billion thrones and does not provide a good return, the world is probable just avoided. If the taint of Chaos is found on the world, then perhaps it can be iradicated, then the Inquisition is billed for it. I am not sure how it would be done.

What about slaves? If the RT discovers a Xenos world with master artisans, and another Xenos world willing to purchase those artisans, and neither world is heretical, can the RT gather up those artisans and sell them?

What if the Rt discovers an eden world populated by a highly evolved race, and knows he can make a fortune by exterminating them and selling the world to the Imperium, does he do it?

All of the above scenarios happened on Earth during the days of the Great Trade Companies, so I am assuming that it can happen in RT.

Outside the Imperium, the Rogue Trader can literally do anything. He is the Word of the Emperor and can do no wrong. Sell artisans from one species to another? no problem. Genocide the xenos or leave them in peace- entirely up to him.

Sometimes he may recieve contracts or make deals - e.g. the Inquisition want him to wipe out this particular species in return for Profit, then he can. But its up to him if he chooses to make the deal or not.

As for Chaos- well, again its down to personal morality. Some RT's may well leave chaos-tainted species alone, or even trade with them. Its dangerous, given the Inquistion look out for that sort of thing, but you can do it if you want.

Just like the Indie game "Dogs in the Vineyard", outside of the Imperium, the RT has ultimate responsbility. However he or she chooses to deal with the situation is the right way. Others might disagree or be unhappy back in the Imperium, and there may be consequences back there, but out in the expanse, he has the right, the authority and the power to do as he wills.

SJE said:

Outside the Imperium, the Rogue Trader can literally do anything. He is the Word of the Emperor and can do no wrong. Sell artisans from one species to another? no problem. Genocide the xenos or leave them in peace- entirely up to him.

Sometimes he may recieve contracts or make deals - e.g. the Inquisition want him to wipe out this particular species in return for Profit, then he can. But its up to him if he chooses to make the deal or not.

As for Chaos- well, again its down to personal morality. Some RT's may well leave chaos-tainted species alone, or even trade with them. Its dangerous, given the Inquistion look out for that sort of thing, but you can do it if you want.

Just like the Indie game "Dogs in the Vineyard", outside of the Imperium, the RT has ultimate responsbility. However he or she chooses to deal with the situation is the right way. Others might disagree or be unhappy back in the Imperium, and there may be consequences back there, but out in the expanse, he has the right, the authority and the power to do as he wills.

In therory, yes. Though, if they do too much "wrong" in an Inquisitors eyes, said Inquisitor just might hunt them down and **** the line where imperial space ends. After all, in RT pg 362 theres mention of an intire familt of rogue traders being murdered by the inquisition for trading in xenos coruption. I'm guessing the =I= didn't wait for each and every family member to cross the line back into Imperial space before slaughtering them.