Quite a few years ago now, my gaming group pretty much regularly played Runebound. At first I found the game really interesting, and I still love a lot of the mechanics and the sense of high adventure that the game brings to the table. Ultimately though, the game has one flaw that really breaks the experience for me, and even though I haven't played it in years now, I still don't really feel like picking it up again because of that. That one flaw is the true lack of player interaction.
If you have played the original Runebound, you probably know what I'm talking about. The game pretty much devolves into a single player game with other players sitting around you waiting for their turn - players that have no need (and thus no want) to interact with you during your own turn. Sure, there's a PvP in a sense, but in my experience this was *never* used for any other purpose than harassing other players, only used by people that felt victory was out of their grasp anyway. I think all of us around the table felt the player versus player combat was more annoying than anything else, so ultimately we just chose to ignore each other on the map anyway. This led to a lot of just really bad experiences with the game for me. It happened so often, especially towards the mid- to- end game, that the players would just leave the table during my turn, or any other turn besides their own... and I couldn't really blame them - after all, there was nothing they could do during my turn, and only rarely would an action I took actually affect them in any meaningful way. I find there is little in the board gaming world more depressing than playing a multiplayer game alone, where the people you play with have very little incentive to care about your turn or your actions. We'd even have games where a player would win the game - and no one around him or her would even notice because they were just waiting for their own turn while watching TV(!)
I know there were expansions that tried to improve player interaction down the line, but my experience is with the core game only, so I can't really say how well they did .Still, I'm just really worried we might see something similar in the new Runebound, and in that case, this clearly won't be a game for me.