Harbinger curse

By phap, in Talisman Rules Questions

I still don't have the harbinger (shame on me), but I surely will as soon as I get back home and order it. Well, the point is I'read the rules on the great talismanisland site, and I wonder how it goes exactly with the cursed objects ans followers.

For example: can you transmute the cursed objetcs in gold? How can you get rid of cursed followers? It says they can be discarded as normal. So I'm a bit confused. Did some of you having this expansion already have problems with this rule? How do you play this?


Not sure about the transmute as it's technically not selling.

Same with the Alchemist.

Only selling I can think of is the Merchant's ability.

Discarding cursed followers means that you can discard them by normal means.

i.e. Cursed by a Hag; or killing a follower such as at the Vampire's Tower or the Vampiress's ability to kill a follower to heal/gain a life

Only Stolen aspect is the Thief's ability to steal an object from another character

Harby rules p.2

Cursed ... cannot be ditched .


Cursed Objects and Followers may be discarded , stolen, and sold as normal.

Download the core game rules* and search for those two words and I think you'll be able to answer the question yourself.

(talismanisland or just the official.. https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/talisman/ )

I still don't have the harbinger (shame on me), but I surely will as soon as I get back home and order it. Well, the point is I'read the rules on the great talismanisland site, and I wonder how it goes exactly with the cursed objects ans followers.

For example: can you transmute the cursed objetcs in gold? How can you get rid of cursed followers? It says they can be discarded as normal. So I'm a bit confused. Did some of you having this expansion already have problems with this rule? How do you play this?


Cursed Objects and Followers are treated exactly as normal Objects and Followers, with the addition of the rules in the Harbinger Rulesheet. The rules list some effects (discarded, sold, stolen, etc...) but the effects are not limited to the words in the rulesheet; they can be targeted by any effect that involves Objects or Followers, just as we used to do with Followers that you must take (see FAQ 1.1).