My group uses a rotating GM setup, and the last GM set up a situation where we fled from:
1) An Inquisitor who hates us personally
2) who had access to Seek that adventure
3) In a Star Destroyer.
This to my mind implied a situation the next GM could not simply ignore, so I volunteered to run the next adventure.
My PC (a Bounty hunter/Marshal) disapeared, saying something about contacts to get the ISD (though probably not the inquisitor) off their tail. The main force wizard of the party knew they were being followed through the force, and their recently aquired holocron's Gatekeeper suggested a secret santuary world he visited as an acolyte, that "Dampens the dark side."
With the star destroyer in hot pursuit, the party bought time with a series of difficult hyperjumps, but amazing rolling on the part of the star destroyer's navigation detail (I used 4 minions + Officer assist against the party's int 5 and astrogate 2) let to a particlarly hair raising chase. When the PCs finally lost the SD, I added a cut scene (non player knowlege) where the SD was called off because Lord Vader was summoning all the ships in the region toward the Bespin/hoth sector. (it's that point in the timeline) the inquisitor could take a shuttle of stormtroopers if she wished to continue the pursuit.
The PCs reached the world and detected a clone wars era hyperspace ring in orbit, though the world was lost back in the Sith Wars. taking it inside their Wayfarer's cargo pod, they deturmined it's been sitting in orbit for about 3 years. Meanwhile a becon lit off on the planet, showing the PCs where the landing pad was.
At the pad was an Aethersprite jedi starfighter, it's R2 dead, it's power levels... suprisingly high. There was no way that beacon had been transmitting for 3 years... but no evidence that anyone had been to the ship in ages. some good computers and mechanics rolls revealed the former owner of the fighter landing 3 years ago and walking toward the Sanctuary.
I established that this was a high gravity world with near continuous thunderstorms, and played games with the party's encumberence limits. Three easy athletics checks each (a path, a ravine, and a cave) got the party to the sanctuary.
I described the effect as if the force had been bleached, all color washed out of it- mechanically, 1 or more dark pip were canceled, as if it had been blank, on any force roll. The sanctuary was built into a series of geodes (connected by tunnels), presumably the source of the effect. The main temple had the usual jedi things- Meditation rooms, dorms, ect. The power was still on, presumably powered by the lightning. Not much to loot, as if the place had been gone over already.
Finding the location of the master's champers in the computer, they start down another corridor, this one with openings to a cliffedge. Mynocks, fed by the storm, roost in the tunnel- the gunbunnys of the party dont even break a sweat. Near the master's chambers, they find mynoc bones, less than a stone's throw from the master's door.
Ready for an ambush, they open the door... to find a malnourished alien woman eating mynock.
Her mental state is unbalanced, but the PCs rapidly learn that she has not left the master's geode (which blocks the dark side almost completely) for almost 3 years, deathly afraid that "mother will find her."
Unable to get a clear description of "mother", other than some kind of controlling being that made her do things.
Convincing the alien woman that the jedi in the party can protect her, they convince her to come to their ship with them. But while they get her set up in med bay, they detect a ship arriving in orbit, and the Seek power pings the jedi again.
Bringing the party's entire collection of crewlike NPCs (seriously, we have a lot) to the temple, the PCs trap the approach to the temple, with the gun bunnys lying in ambush.
The traps take out 1 of the 5, 4-stormtrooper squads. and the first round of shooting in the ambush takes out a second squad. The inquisitor leaps up and manages a crippled-limb crit on the autofire specialist- as the PCs retreat into the temple they unload at the reflecting inquisitor, draining her strain; the stormtroopers catch up and a squad dies protecting the inquisitor from the next round of shooting as the inquisitor force lightnings into the temple.
The PCs fall back toward the master's chamber, except for a wookiee who felt she hadnt been contributing well enough to the fight- with a triumph and two despairs with a bowcaster, inside the mynock tunnel, she collapsed the tunnel on top of the 4th squad of stormtroopers and had to make an athletic check to reach the (now cut off, but still) master chamber before rock fell on her too.
with a few hours rest, the inquisitor digs them out and prepares to attack. The PCs wait inside the darkside-dampening chamber.
An opening volley of grenades is weakened by the inquisitor's use of protect before she opened the door, but still wiped out the last squad of stormtroopers. the inquisitor charged in, ready to fight everyone... until someone rolled a Winded crit. She passed he wound threshold shortly after, unable to reflect anymore.
A couple failed charm and corecian checks did not convince her to surrender- she attempted one final dramatic force power only to be cinimatically defeated by the room, then she comits suicide rather than be patronized by the party's lightsiders.
As the party prepares to leave, the alien girl approaches the greyer of the parrty's force sensitives. "My Daughter tells me you have potential..." and roll credits. OOC explain that "Mother" is a darkside force ghost who can posess her daughter, and is willing to train the grey force sensitive, with varous lures to the darkside. (an arc the player has wanted for awhile)
Players all enjoyd the session, they spent a lot of credits of equipmnt and damge in the fighting, but got "end of arc" XP and obligation rewards, cutting most of the party's bounty obligation with the death of the inquisitor.
Edited by Rakaydos