Who's Demoing? Who's Promoting?

By Gizmological, in UFS General Discussion

ARMed_PIrate said:

I know many folks aren't in exactly my situation, but most folks are busy. That's why I always wished STG (and now FFG) would seek out some form of advertising, or *gasp* actually start selling product in places where other people shop (such as EB, Best Buy, Target).

Second is never going to happen unless the first does. At this point, even if they DID, they'd likely be laughed out of the building.

Halbard100 said:

I'd rather not see UFS start popping up at Walmart and the like. I remember some article when UFS came out stating something along the lines of "We don't want to be something a mother picks up to make her 12 year old shut up in line." That was atleast the guist of it. The game stores and our gaming circles are the core market to promote in.

I kind of understand why its good to support FLGS however, it seems more and more, that I'm not really sure why its creator's don't WANT UFS to be something a mother picks up to make her 12 year old shut up in a line... the more the merrier, even those kids!

I'm sure there are many, many... many many factors as to why UFS never saw main stream store exposure. Game on.