That it is unlikely to happen because the ship's that you are typically utilizing happen to be on smaller bases isn't relevant, because if it is legal for those small ships that can get out of the way of each other it is just as legal for those large ships that can't. Creating a situation in which you can not resolve the maneuver.
As per the overlap rules a ship that overlaps another can not finish it's maneuver. You reduce speed, even to 0, in order to find a maneuver that would no result in an overlap. In this situation you can never do so, thus you can never complete the maneuver.
Just on that basis, nevermind the introduction of measurements on an axis this game never tries to include, there is no grounds to conjecture that this type of deployment is remotely legal.
But if you need FFG to tell you as much I am beyond sure that they will. If they don't also think that you are pranking them with the question.