Any GenCon announcements for BL?

By VaultDweller, in BattleLore

Anyone see anything new coming for BL announced at GenCon?

Not in the annual in-flight report. They mentioned Battlelore referring to the coming Undead armies, and nothing more (at least according to FFG'so twitter). But Terrinoth received a lot of love with an expansion for Descent and Runebound 3rd edition announced!

I think it would be a safe bet that two Elf packs will be announced either at the end of the year or the start of next year.

As for Orcs and Dwarves? I doubt it. If we do get them Runewars better get some love too!

There where non BattleLore annoucments. They just showed the reinforments packs - dragon giant and razorwing, and they showed the 2 boxes of the army od Undead. Nothing more is now on the horision for this game.

They've more than doubled the content of the game this year, and if not for timing I don't doubt the Daqan/Uthuk army packs should have been out toward the end of 2014 and the Undead would have been a Gencon reveal. Instead of an announcement we're getting them in a month or so, so I'm not complaining.

We've got organized play coming and the potential for more reinforcement packs and/or new factions or armies is out there. I've got my fingers crossed :)

Sure the more i think about it the more i crave for reinforcements packs... and oh god ! i can't wait for organized play