Questions about some oddities in the book

By hellebore2, in Rogue Trader

The Great Weapon is different to the one in DH. It has no pen and is listed as Unbalanced instead of Unwieldy. It is also not listed as requiring two hands to use in the weapon table. There is a qualitative description about them being used two handed, but no actual rule about it. I assume it would at least be unwieldy, the ability to parry with such a powerful weapon is pretty good. The Warhammer is not listed as Unbalanced like the Hammer and Axe from DH.

The spear and staff are not listed as using two hands either.

The Divination Discipline Emperor's Tarot Technique " Blessed by the Emperor" lists Divining the Future as its prerequisite. So does "Walking the Path". However, "Walking the Path" is just a slightly worse version of "Blessed by the Emperor". Should "Blessed by the Emperor" require "Walking the Path" as its prerequisite instead?

It seems to follow a similar pattern to other techniques like the "Force Weapon -> Force Shard" path ruleswise.

I'll put anything else I find in here.


I don't have it yet, but it seems that common sense can help with both issues, especially the weapons. Try swapping the psychic powers and seeing if that works.

Hellebore said:

The Great Weapon is different to the one in DH. It has no pen and is listed as Unbalanced instead of Unwieldy. It is also not listed as requiring two hands to use in the weapon table. There is a qualitative description about them being used two handed, but no actual rule about it. I assume it would at least be unwieldy, the ability to parry with such a powerful weapon is pretty good. The Warhammer is not listed as Unbalanced like the Hammer and Axe from DH.


Well as for the Unbalanced/Unwieldy issue, I've always thought it was a bit wierd that it's impossible to parry with certain great weapons. Sure a two handed hammer or a halberd might be a bit difficult to parry with, but when it comes to swords (of claymore size that is) a person could quite feasibly parry incoming attacks with it, although it would take more strength and effort to be able to block an incoming attack from a faster and lighter weapon, making the Unbalanced quality a bit more appropriate for great weapons than the Unwieldy quality.

Although in my opinion, being able to parry a weapon or not shouldn't really only be a factor of what weapon you are using yourself, but also what kind of weapon the aggressor is using. But that's a house rule discussion I believe...

Another thing I forgot to mention was the backpack ammo. It lists las backpacks as holding the same amount of ammunition as melta/plasma (80 rounds) whilst bolt/bullet get 200 rounds.

Considering the standard las clip holds 60 rounds that's a tad silly. If it held an amount comparable to the bolt/bullet one, it would be close to 600 rounds of ammunition (10x the clip size).


If you made them (80) hotshot rounds it wouldn't be so bad; makes a bit more sense.

MDMann said:

If you made them (80) hotshot rounds it wouldn't be so bad; makes a bit more sense.


The Backpack ammunition seems to be intended for use with hellguns, not normal lasguns. Hellguns have a lot stronger output and power usage, meaning that if you use an ammo backpack (which would provide something around 600 rounds were it to be connected to a normal lasgun), it will only give 80 rouns to the hellgun.

Well it certainly made more sense as hotshot ammo, but as that's standard Las ammo it doesn't work. The only way Las ammo is differentiated is through clip size.

Which leads to my suggestion/house rule. Simply make the backpack ammo 5/10x the clip of whatever you are using. A lasgun gets 300/600 rounds, a hellgun 150/300, a bolter 120/240 etc.

OR, as the hellgun rounds tend to cost ~3-4 normal laspacks worth of ammo, make the standard las backpack 240 rounds and hotshot ammo is 1/4 that.


How about the fact that the arch-militant has a best crafted hunting rifle that is not listed in the armoury page at all in the RT book