Timing in a Action Sequence

By bjgelly, in CoC Rules Discussion


I'm just getting the first few games under my belt, and I have question about timing wrt Actions. Does my opponent have the right (providing he has cards to play and/or domains to drain) to respond after every time I trigger an event?

For example, committed a card with a "Shotgun" attachment, since there was no opponent committed, I had nothing to act on so I did nothing. My opponent seeing this of course, knew what was coming, only had one "Tough" card to play, but it was clear that card was not good enough to win the story, so he loaded up on me, knowing one would be taken out. Once he finished committing, I paid 1, and wounded one of his committed characters.

Question, do I have to wait for him to respond, and if he passes the Action phase is done? or do I get to keep paying and shooting as long as I can.

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around when my turn is done and the others begin. To be fair, we agreed to go back and forth, starting with the controlling player. If I triggered and action, and he passed, the phase was over.

Is that correct?

That being the case, if playing a card is considered an Action, does that mean during my Operation phase, my opponent gets an chance to respond after I have played each card?

Thanks. Timing seems to be my last hurdle.



As a continuation.... With regards to "Support" Cards. What happens to them if my committed Character is chosen to go Insane after losing a terror struggle. Does the Support card go with him? What happens if the character is wounded/destroyed? Do support cards stay attached to the same character throughout?

Also, I had the "Shotgun" support card attached to a committed character. I assume I can perform his Action after my opponent commits his cards to the story. Clearly he see's the card and knows its coming. Do I need an Agency faction in the Domain that I drain? I assume I can only trigger this once, since it gets committed only once.


Any time that play is in a white 'Actions may be taken' box according to the Turn Sequence, then the opportunity to play Actions is offered in turn between the first the active player and then the other player until all pass. As an effect occurs, the opportunity to play Disrupt effects is similarly offered in turn, starting with the active player. Then Forced Responses must be taken (again, in turn) and finally Responses may be used (starting with the active player).

So, starting with your first question, yes, your opponent has the right to play a Response after any given trigger although (assuming that you're the active player) you get an opportunity to play Response s first.

For your second question, yes you can continue to blast away with your Shotgun until you run out of either targets or Domains to drain - the white box of 'Actions may be taken' won't finish until all players are finished taking Action s (else the Operations Phase would be very short). Combos and other complicated combined effects require the ability to take several sequential Action s, regardless of what the opponent is or isn't doing to inconvenience your plans.

For your third question, yes your opponent has an opportunity to play an Action (or for that matter, a Response ) after you've played a card from your hand. Many's the delaying game where the active player got to play a single character/support card before their opponent played Dampen Light or similar and their carefully-choreographed turn was effectively gutted. However, the fact that the active player gets to go first means that they'll always get at least one card out (unless their first Action of the phase wasn't playing a card, e.g. using Gentleman's Club ).

For your fourth question, when a character goes insane all cards attached to it are destroyed. If a wounded character goes insane (or if an insane character is wounded) they are immediately destroyed. If a character is destroyed then all cards attached to it are destroyed. If a character is just wounded (but sane), its attachments are ok.

For your fifth question, when draining a Domain to pay for an effect, you do not require a resource match.

For your sixth question, you can continue to blast away with your Shotgun until you run out of either targets or Domains to drain as there's no trigger condition as such, it's merely a case of your character gaining a new Action when they happen to be committed to a story. The Action itself has no trigger (unlike a Response , for example).

Since you've expressed some difficulty with timing, here's a generic response I prepared earlier to address general timing questions (refers to the very useful 'Detailed Turn Sequence' on page 13 of the rules):

An Action may be played whenever an opportunity arises during an "Actions may be taken" white box. Opportunities to play Actions (and Responses , Disrupts , etc) alternate between players in every "Actions may be taken" box, with the active player going first. Even if the active player doesn't play an Action when an opportunity arises (e.g. after drawing 2 cards), that's considered a 'pass' and their opponent may still play an Action (e.g. Panic ) before play continues to the next green box (e.g. attaching a resource).

An Action must resolve completely before anything else can happen, except for Disrupts . A Disrupt must be resolved completely before the Action finishes resolving, unless Disrupted itself.

Then, any Forced Responses which were triggered by the prior Action must occur. Some Disrupts can interrupt these, too. Some Forced Response effects are not triggered by player-initiated Actions , but they too must occur immediately after their trigger resolves (e.g. after Ravager is committed to a story, which, by extension, means after all of that player's characters are committed to stories).

Then, one or more Responses may be played if their trigger conditions were met by the immediately preceding Action or Forced Response . Again, these can be Disrupted by certain cards, and may be triggered by other effects (e.g. the act of drawing a card).

A Disrupt can only occur during another effect (e.g. Action , Response , Forced Response , Combat Struggle, etc.) and cannot be triggered on their own.

Below the '6. End of Turn' phase on the turn sequence page, there are some useful notes. As I read it, only Disrupt effects occur inside a 'green box' and Forced Response effects must occur immediately as soon as the box is finished (i.e. before Actions or Responses may be played).

The definitions of triggered effects and triggered ability on page 13 are also quite handy and worth remembering.

An example from another thread:

An Action is played to drive Paul LeMond insane (e.g. Brain Transplant 's errata'd Action ). It must resolve completely, unless Disrupted (e.g. with Power Drain or Underground Asylum ).

Once it resolves, Forced Responses (e.g. that of the Tithe Collector or Reawakened Elder Thing ) must occur.

Then, Responses may be played, as appropriate.

Finally, a new Action can be taken. Since Paul LeMond 's ability is an Action and not a Disrupt , and he's already insane by this point (unless a Disrupt prevented his insanity or a Response or Forced Response restored him), he can't use his triggered effect to give himself a terror icon. That would have been necessary to do prior to the insanity-inducing Action being used, if he wanted to be protected from madness.

thanks for the detailed reply. i realize i duplicated some of my questions in another forum, sorry about that....
