Runebound is back!

By Zaltyre, in Runebound

This is an exciting bit of news to be sure. Runebound was the first FFG game I was introduced to, and I can't wait to see what this new edition is like.

I've been interested in Runebound since I got into FFG games a few years back. Unfortunately, even at that point Runebound 2nd Edition was nearly impossible to get your hands on. So, this announcement makes me quite happy. My only concern is whether or not you'll be able to play it alone. Unfortunately, I live in an are where there arn't many other people who are interested in playing board games.

As it's pitched as a competitive game, I don't know that there is a built in single player option. However, there is the possibility that they will include rules for it.

I very glad that the Runebound made it back to live... It looks that has a mix of mechanics from some FFG games. (Ex: Descent, Battlelore...)

This game seems interesting.

However I don't quite understand if there is real player interaction or competition over something. So far it seems to have a way to fight each other, but as far as I understand, it's more like everyone playing his own game most of the time and competing for who draws and wins the last NPC quest first.

Fantasy Flight has a machine that steals my dreams, this proves it. Mind you, my only objection is that they don't seem to use it enough! I was just going through some of my older stock of games like Tide of Iron and Starcraft and lamenting that I never got my hands on a copy of Runebound for myself back in the day. Now I'll be able to correct that, and the new combat system looks like it might be fun.

Am I the only one who saw the playtester rolling a token? Was that me hallucinating?

Am I the only one who saw the playtester rolling a token? Was that me hallucinating?

Ha, yeah i saw that too.. maybe she's still adjusting to 3rd edition? or maybe its a flimsy d2.. unlikely...


A boardgame set in the Runebound Universe.


Finally announced :) Chris Petersen in the Q/A at GenCon last year answered one of the guys askng whether RB had a future or not with a simple "YES". Then the graphic artist who a couple of weeks ago posted on his profile he worked on the third edition of RB (status almost immediately changed, but some good fellas at BGG saved a screenshot of the page), and now finally the announcement!

And let me say "finally" once more: by browsing FFG onlne catalogue, all Terrinoth games were filed under "Runebound", it was non-sensical if the line were dead!

Now we have it! YAY!

Am I the only one who saw the playtester rolling a token? Was that me hallucinating?

Ha, yeah i saw that too.. maybe she's still adjusting to 3rd edition? or maybe its a flimsy d2.. unlikely...

Each hero has a number of combat tokens, and when you engage in battle, you take all of your combat tokens in your hand and cast them like dice or flip them like coins.

Ahhahaha yes i see the error in my ways.. didn't bother to read yesterday..

So cool that RuneBound is back. I just hope that i won't have to buy all the minis from descent again ^_^

This looks interesting. I'm only a bit worried about the mention of player elimination...

This looks interesting. I'm only a bit worried about the mention of player elimination...

From the article, it appears like player elimination happens only when you lose the combat against the final boss. So, I'm assuming it's something that could happen in the very last portion of the game (I hardly believe the final boss starts on the board and is able to start killing heroes on round 1)

Player elimination like that (at the final stages) happened with the older edition of Runebound for at least one of the expansions.

Best news ever! I hoped for that announcement since last summer and now it's really!

A sure buy on day one for me, that and the new Warhammer Quest card game...great new games from FFG again.

I played the demo at Gencon and I can confirm that the player elimination on the dragon scenario does not happen until the final stages. If you look at the picture of the board in the preview you can see a time tracker on the left side. When it reaches the end, it starts back at the top and the dragon appears. Players then have a set time to kill the dragon. When a certain number of turns pass the dragon starts moving towards the city. If the dragon reaches the city all players lose. The only time a player's character can permanently die is if he or she chooses to face the dragon and loses. Normally, if a character dies against any other monsters or challenges, they are forced to take a rest action as one of their 3 actions on their turn.

Wow !

2-4 players !

2nd edition was 2-6 players !

I bet in a few weeks, they'll annouce a "5-6 player expansion", including "more heroes, more this and more that"... and you'll finally get the same as the original content split in base game + expansion.

One game for the price of two !

$$ rules !

They already made that for "Merchants of Venus", and probably many more.

I really like FFG games, but their selling policies are going to tire me.

I wouldn't care if I was a billionaire, but I'm not.

I already own everything from the 2nd edition. (excepted for the "Midnight expansion")

No way I'll buy it all again, especially for twice the money.

I bet in a few weeks, they'll annouce a "5-6 player expansion"

I don't think they will, RB 2nd edition main critiques were that it lasted for ages, adding players doesn't seem like a brilliant idea.

They already made that for "Merchants of Venus"

No, they didn't. Mechants of Venus has only a core set, no expansions so far

A 1-4 player game is what I'd like from runebound 3rd edition.

Just hope they sell additional dice and that there are enough tokens for two simultaneous combats, so downtime can be minimised in a 4 player game.

This is an exciting bit of news to be sure. Runebound was the first FFG game I was introduced to, and I can't wait to see what this new edition is like.

It's about time! Now, let's just hope they decide to do something with the incredible amount of older Runebound material.

I've personally seen decks for the 2nd Edition selling for over $100 at Ebay.....

Hurray! Finally! The master link to many of FF's games is back! Now to call the FLGS and have him order one for me in advance! Can't wait!

Two years ago i said that there will be a new Runebound Edition when Talisman has all boards complete. It was obvious most likely. i am very happy that Talisman has all 4 Corners finished and i am very happy that Runebound comes back ! whats left is my concern about Runewars, that looks like a Desaster.

Runewars is gonna be just fine.