MoM box space

By Stjepan_23, in Mansions of Madness


I have a question.

I'm from Europe (Croatia), and I have a friend that is going to USA soon. My plan is to buy MoM from Amazon and for him to deliver it to me. I have a dillema though. I'm quite greedy and I would like to buy Call of the Wild and Forbiden Alchemy expansions as well. The question is I have is, due to restricted cargo space, do you think would it be possible to put the components from the core game and both expansions in just one box for easier transport?

Any advice?


My suggestion is simple: get the games from It's free worldwide shipping and prices are good (often lower than or equal to Amazon)

The thing is I have a 100$ on Amazon, and the prices on bookdepository is €68.74 which is significantly higher than 58$ on Amazon ;)

But thanks anyway!

The thing is I have a 100$ on Amazon, and the prices on bookdepository is €68.74 which is significantly higher than 58$ on Amazon ;)

But thanks anyway!

LOL, I can see what you mean! Good luck with that, then!