Avatars, What's Behind Them?

By Beatty, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

So I finally think I have settled on my Avatar and won't change it again. Been waiting for more Star Wars pictures to be available and I finally found one I like.

When I saw the Twi'lek the image of a Twi'lek admiral came to mind as he commanded his Rebel ships to battle. More of a pilot than a commander his new post rubs on him but his tactical mind forgets all other daily distractions as he raids Imperial ships and takes out Imperial fueling stations. Admiral Dergina.

Is there something behind your Avatar?

Edited by Beatty

I wanted something with a face on it. So no Tie-fighters and stuff. I'm into both 40k and Call of Cthulhu so i wanted something that could be used to represent something from either setting. I tought about something monstrous, like a Lictor or something but in the end i settled on this one: The Black Pharaoh, Avatar of Nyarlathotep. (Yes my avatar is an avatar, go figure...) and i can sorta bluff about that it's also meant to represent the necron(tyr)/ C'tan from 40k. Nyarlathotep is a powerfull dark godlike entity from Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos, with a trollish sense of humor...

Kinda like me. :)

I am a 50-something, balding white man. 'nuff said.

I have an Avatar that has represented me for over a decade on most boards and many people at conventions will instantly know me as I place a copy of it on my badges. This avatar just seamed to fit - I'm a witch and into technology - a Tekwych.

I'm a Rebel pilot at heart. Have been since X-Wing was released for the PC in 1993. Although I've flown plenty of TIE Fighter 's in my day, I've always been loyal to the Alliance (and something about X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter to complete the list).

This avatar from Mag•Blast (I don't even know what that is) is me when I'm flying (esp. when flying a Y-Wing, those things are just slow moving coffins). I can remember a younger me flying straight at a Star Destroyer, guns a blazin' with this face. And this is generally what's going on in my head when I'm playing Armada.

Good times.

Soontir Fel. I don't need anything else behind it.



I may be the only person who was pissed off when they killed Billy on BSG. Seriously... The kid was just being a good guy all the time!!!



New to the forums....how do i get the Xwing avatars? I just see the Star Wars RPG avatars listed and see no way to upload my own...

New to the forums....how do i get the Xwing avatars? I just see the Star Wars RPG avatars listed and see no way to upload my own...

They were removed for some unknown reason.

As a loyal solider in the imperial navy the only avatar is of course our colors

Long live The Empire!!!

Edited by clontroper5

Long live The Empire!!!

Not recognizing the great warlord Ikkit, he who escaped from Skavenblight and the council, founded the hold of Coppergate and manipulated the man-things , lord of the waters under the earth, and shakes the lands with multitudinous legions, purveyor of truths, and defier of nations.... rabble-rant, mutter-mumble.

In truth it's related to provincial law. See, my province has a 'no rats allowed' policy, and kill on sight by a government sponsored rat patrol. As a result, it's rat free. Up until recently my responses in politics have been opposed to the 'norm', to the point there I'm the 'unwanted rat': a position which, as I said, is not enviable. While I'm generally a conciliatory doormat, I like what I like from any source. I'm neither apathetic nor vociferous.

That it also coincides with a vicious, peculiar, vile race that I happen to like is purely circumstantial.

Mon Calamari are my favourite alien race from Star Wars.

Mon Calamari are my favourite alien race from Star Wars.

You spelled Kel Dor wrong. ;)

Grew up with the Xwing flight sims. So the ships are my first and foremost love in this setting :)

I like Cosmic Encounter too.