Do using tokens count as resolving an order ?

By MoffZen, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Hello guys !

Just a quick question, do spending a command token count as resolving an order for the purpose of upgrade cards ?

For example, to get Engine Techs kicking in, does it need to be after a Nav Command from the dial or does using a Nav token counts as resolving an order ?

Thanks a lot :)

Resolving an order is revealing it from dial.

Then it either makes you do something later or gives you token. Spending a token is not resolving an order.

So no, You can't use techs after using nav token.

Vitalis, that's wrong I'm afraid.

Spending a dial or a token both count as resolving a command. And so both work for upgrade cards.

You reveal the dial and can then keep it ti use later in the turn or you can cash it in for a token.

When you spend the token or the dial or the token AND the dial together they all count as resolving a command.

Thanks DWRR, I went to the reference guide under the "Command" and it appears to be very clear in the first sentence :) How could I miss that :D

Oh, the combos... the combos !

Vitalis, that's wrong I'm afraid.

Spending a dial or a token both count as resolving a command. And so both work for upgrade cards.

You reveal the dial and can then keep it ti use later in the turn or you can cash it in for a token.

When you spend the token or the dial or the token AND the dial together they all count as resolving a command.

Hmmm...could you please quote from the rulebook?

What i found:

Rulebook p8

" If the player wants to resolve the revealed command for

its full effect this round, he can spend the dial at the appropriate time to do so. If he wants to reserve it for a later round, he immediately spends the dial (placing it faceup on the ship’s ship card) and places the matching command token next to the ship. "

So you spend a dial and assume a command then you place a token.

Futhermore faq:

A ship can resolve a command and choose not to produce its effect. It still counts as resolving that command, such as for the purpose of triggering upgrade cards.”

Which can imply that whatever you do (resolve, create token, not produce effect) resolving of an order occurs when we reveal a dial.

So IMO engine tech, yes they can trigger in a turn when you go for nav token, but you cannot use nav token like 3 turns later to trigger the techs. Like you said you reveal a dial cash your order for a token and thats it. Order is resolved.

But I'm happy if you find quote to, prove me I'm wrong :)

First off, if you spend the dial to get a token you haven't actually resolved any command. You have spent the dial, but not resolved a command.

When you spend a command dial to resolve it's effect, you are resolving a command. When you spend a command token to resolve it's effect, you are resolving a command.

I can't quote the rules at the moment, but in this case it's pretty clear.

Edit: changed my mind. RRG, page 3, Command Tokens:

Command Tokens

When a ship’s command dial is revealed, that dial can be

spent to assign the corresponding command token to that

ship. Command tokens can be spent at the appropriate

time to resolve the lesser effect of that command.

Edited by DerErlkoenig

Yup its in the first paragraph on page 3, Commands.

A ship can resolve the effect of a command by spending a command dial or token with the matching icon at the appropriate time.

Spending the dial to gain a token is not resolving a command.

Here is the commands heading paragraph from RRG page 3.


A ship can resolve the effect of a command by spending

a command dial or command token with the matching

icon at the appropriate time. The effect of the command is

based on which component was spent:

Which can imply that whatever you do (resolve, create token, not produce effect) resolving of an order occurs when we reveal a dial.

Actually, that's not correct. You resolve the command when it's appropriate to do so.

For example, let's say you chose the navigate command but don't navigate with it and instead spend it to get the navigate token to be used in a later round.

2 rounds later you reveal the concentrate fire command. You still have that navigate token that you haven't used yet. You use the concentrate fire command during the firing step of the phase, then during the maneuver step of the phase, you would use the nav token to trigger engine techs. You can not issue the same command twice at different times during the same phase from the same ship ie you can't use concentrate fire command dial on one attack and then use the concentrate fire token on another attack. But you can use different commands during the same turn for the same ship. Ie, concentrate fire dial, engineering token and engineering token could all be used by the same ship during 1 round. Each command is resolved at the appropriate stage that the ship is on.

Below is from the commands section of the RRG on page 4

• A ship cannot resolve the same command more than

once per round.

• A ship can spend both a command dial and a command

token to combine their effects. Doing so counts as a

single resolution of the command. For example, a ship

can increase its speed twice by spending a M command

dial and a M command token.

A player can resolve numerous commands in the same

round, such as by spending a Q command token and a

O command token during the “Reveal Command Dial”

step of activation, and then spending a M command dial

during the “Determine Course” step of movement.

Sorry for the letters above, but when copying and pasting from the pdf rules, it doesn't copy over the actual symbols referring to maneuver, concentrate fire, squadron, etc.

Reiryc, I think you made a typo, underlined & bolded below. You can't have 2 of the same Command tokens so there's no way to spend two of them,

"Ie, concentrate fire dial, engineering token and engineering token could all be used by the same ship during 1 round."